
She swayed like a supple branch,

تأودت كالغصن الأملد

1. She swayed like a supple branch,
And smiled, revealing a radiant mouth.

١. تَأَوَّدَتْ كَالغُصُنِ الأمْلَدِ
وَابْتَسَمَتْ عَنْ نَوْرِ ثَغْرٍ نَدِي

2. At dawn she was adorned, yet
Content with a simple black gown.

٢. وَانْتَقَبَتْ بِالصُّبْحِ لكِنَّها
تَقَنَّعَتْ بِالجِنْدِسِ الأَسْوَدِ

3. Fair like a brunette, her gaze
Is pure, unsullied by wantonness.

٣. بَيْضاءُ كَحْلاءُ لَها ناظِرٌ
مُنَزَّهٌ عَنْ لَوْثَةِ المِرْوَدِ

4. Whether it's her cheek or lips that enchant,
Or her shy pearl-like teeth,

٤. مِنْ ثَغْرِها الوَضَّاحِ أَوْ خَدِّها
وَاخَجْلَةَ الجَوْهَرِ وَالعَسْجَدِ

5. She quivers like a gentle stream,
Though her heart is harder than stone.

٥. تَرْتَجُّ كَالجَدْوَلِ مِنْ رِقَّةٍ
وَقَلْبُها أَقْسَى مِنَ الجَلْمَدِ

6. My reproacher became my defender,
Weary of prolonged grief.

٦. أَصْبَحَ فِيْهَا عاذِليْ عاذِرِيْ
وَمَلَّ مِنْ طُولِ الضَّنَى عُوَّدِي

7. How many nights I've spent awake!
Each time I say it's over, it starts again.

٧. كَمْ لَيْلَةٍ أَحْيَيْتُهَا كُلَّمَا
قُلْتُ انْتَهَتْ فِي طُولِها تَبْتَدِي

8. Sleep said to my eyelids, truly
You've distracted me, now rest.

٨. قَالَ دُجاها لَجُفونِي لَقَد
شَغَلْتِ عَنِّي فَرْقَدِي فَارْقُدِي

9. A girl who scattered my union with her,
As cruel time broke faith.

٩. جارِيَةٌ شَتَّتَ شَمْلِي بِهَا
صَرْفُ الزَّمانِ الجَائِرِ المُعْتَدِي

10. She reigns over my soul though she wishes,
Even if Moses held sway.

١٠. تَمْلِك رِقَّيْ بِهَواها وَلَوْ
يَشاءُ موسى مَلَكَتْهَا يَدِي

11. The most noble king, Shah of Armin,
Lord of glory, dew and brooks.

١١. المَلْكُ الأَشْرَفُ شَاهَ ارْمَنٍ
رَبُّ المَعالِي وَالنَّدَى وَالنَّدِي

12. Like the Kaaba of kindness, the pure
Dew of his palm, black as the Black Stone.

١٢. كَعْبَةُ إِحْسانٍ نَدى كَفِّهِ الْ
بَيْضاءِ مِثْلُ الحَجَرِ الأسْوَدِ

13. People throng to kiss it,
Like camels flocking to water.

١٣. يَزْدَحِمْ النَّاسُ عَلى لَثْمِها
كَالإِبِلِ الهِيْمِ عَلى المَوْرِدِ

14. Quick to be generous, she is never
Late in keeping appointments.

١٤. بَدَّاهَةٌ بِالجُودِ ما شانَهَا
رَوِيَّةُ التَّقْصِيرِ فِي المَوْعِدِ

15. In gatherings she is just,
In solitude, she is wise and resolute,

١٥. الصَّدْرُ يَوْمَ العَدْلِ فِي مَجْلِسٍ
وَالقَلْبُ يَوْمَ القَسْطَلِ الأَرْبَدِ

16. Neither is her heart more suited
To the palm's surface than the bare back.

١٦. فَلَيسَ صَدْرُ الدَّسْتِ أَوْلَى بِهِ
مِن ظَهْرِ مَحْبوكِ القَرا أَجْرَدِ

17. Notes of the lute distract him
From the temple's own melodies.

١٧. فِي نَغمِ البِيضِ لَهُ شاغِلٌ
عَن نَغَماتِ البِيضِ عَن مَعْبَدِ

18. When the wine wet his lips like blood,
Passion flowered without the sword's reaping.

١٨. لَّما سَقَى السُّمرَ دَماً سَنْبَلَتْ
هاماً بِغَيْرِ السَّيْفِ لَم تُحْصَدِ

19. With reason and standards he wages war on enemies,
Yet no victory is won without them.

١٩. بِالرَّأْيِ وَالرَّاياتِ يَغْزُو الْعِدَى
فَهْيَ بِغَيْرِ النَّصْرِ لَمْ تُعْقَدِ

20. I am one whose ambition is paradise,
Yet for the unjust it is fire.

٢٠. أَنا الَّذِي خَاطِرُهُ جَنَّةٌ
لَكِنَّه نارٌ عَلى المُعْتَدِي

21. Let my poetry increase, which whenever
Tossed into their flames, grows evermore.

٢١. لِيْ ذَهَبُ الشِّعرِ الَّذِي كُلَّما
قُلِّبِ فِي نِيرانِهِمْ يِزْدَدِ

22. I have no merit except that
I compose what Moses began.

٢٢. وَلَيْسَ لِيْ فَضْلٌ سِوَى أَنَّنِي
أَنْظِمُ ما موسى بِهِ يَبْتَدِي