1. If you who blame me were just,
You would not be one who reproaches me.
١. لَو كُنتَ يا مَن يَلومُني عَادِلْ
ما كُنتَ فِيمَنْ هُوِيتُه عاذِلْ
2. I have come to serve passion,
With an eye flowing freely with tears.
٢. أَصْبَحْتُ فِي خِدْمَةِ الغَرامِ وَلِي
جَارٍ مِنَ الْعَيْنِ مُطْلَقٌ هامِلْ
3. My heart is broken by the remainder of his love,
And the burden of my sorrow because of him weighs heavy.
٣. قَلْبِي بِباقِي هَواهُ مُنْكَسِرٌ
وَحَمْلُ هَمِّي لأَجْلِهِ حاصِلْ
4. So lighten now the heart of a young man,
Whose occupation with his love keeps him busy.
٤. فَخَفِّفِ الآنَ عَن فُؤادِ فَتىً
عَلَيهِ شُغْلٌ مِن حُبِّهِ شاغِلْ
5. Sleep is lost from his heavy eyelids,
And his tears have not ceased flowing from them.
٥. ضَلَّ الكَرَى عَن جُفونِ مُقْلَتِهِ
فَدَمْعُهُ عَنْهُ لَمْ يَزَلْ سائِلْ
6. No drop moistened his cheek,
Except that it made the softness of it fertile.
٦. ما سَحَّ فِي الخَدِّ قَطْرُ أَدْمُعِهِ
إِلاَّ وَأَضْحَى خَصِيبُها ماحِلْ
7. Is there one for me who will make loose her braids,
As a rope maker extends ropes?
٧. مِن لِي بِمُرخِي الأصْداغِ بَلْبَلَها
كَما يَمُدُّ الحَبائِلَ الحَابِلْ
8. Wine and magic in her glances
Bore witness to me that she is bewitching.
٨. الخَمْرُ وَالسِّحْرُ فِي لَواحِظِهِ
قَد شَهِدا لِي بِأَنَّها بَابِلْ
9. And her mole, cloaked in coquetry,
Is like a guard in a relaxed, royal tent.
٩. وَخالُهُ بِالعِذارِ مُلْتَحِفٌ
كَحارِسٍ فِي خَميلَةٍ خامِلْ
10. I have no helper against his love,
And patience for me, like it, is treacherous.
١٠. ما لِي نَصِيرٌ عَلى مَحَبَّتِهِ
وَالصَّبْرُ لِي فِيهِ مِثْلَهُ خاذِلْ
11. Praise be to God, I live comfortably,
Not carrying any concern other than passion.
١١. الحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ بِتُّ فِي دَعَةٍ
لَستُ لِهَمٍّ غَيْرِ الهِوِى حامِلْ
12. And time, after being unruly,
Has turned its reins to favor me, O noble one.
١٢. وَالدَّهْرُ بَعدَ الجِماحِ قَد عَطَفَتْ
عِنانَهُ لِي عِنايَةُ الفَاضِلْ
13. A sea, when it rages and the clouds together,
Foams a foam from it that the pouring rain makes gush.
١٣. بَحْرٌ إِذْا سَحَّ وَالسَّحابَ مَعاً
يَغِيضُ غَيضاً مِنْهُ الحَيَا الهَاطِلْ
14. How many a day does a hero spend in fear
What courageous man has his power faded?
١٤. كَم راعَ يَوماً يَراعُهُ بَطَلاً
أَيُّ شُجاعٍ فِي كَفِّهِ ذابِلْ
15. Of the staff of excellence he attained, so he became
By every blessing his lot apportions, fertile.
١٥. مِن قَصَبِ السَّبْقِ حازَهُ فَغَدا
بِكُلِّ نُعْمَى جُسَيْمُهُ ناحِلْ
16. From his sword is poison to the enemies, and in
The ease of one hopeful of him is the hope of the hopeful.
١٦. مِن سَيفِهِ السُّمُّ لِلعُدَاةِ وَفِي
راحَةِ راجِيهِ راحَةُ الآمِلِ