
The clumsy lines of al-Mahriyyah have reached you,

قد بلغتك خطا المهرية الرثسم

1. The clumsy lines of al-Mahriyyah have reached you,
The abode of loved ones, so thank the Bestower of bounties,

١. قَد بَلَّغَتْكَ خُطا المَهْرِيَّةِ الرّثسُمِ
دارَ الأَحِبَّةِ فَاشْكُرُ نِعْمَةَ النّعَمِ

2. Generous ladies who granted you joys to wear,
And they are like you, between plains and the Sanctuary,

٢. كَرائِمٌ وَهَبَتْ مَسْراكَ ما لَبِسَت
وَهُنَّ مِثْلُكَ بَيْنَ السَّهْلِ وَالحَرَمِ

3. If you were fair, you would not have forced her into submission,
Nor dyed the pebbles with blood from her slippers,

٣. لَو كُنتَ تُنْصِفُ ما أَرْغَمتَ آنَفَهَا
وَلا خَضَبْتَ الحَصى مِن خُفِّها بِدَمِ

4. O she-camel, excuse me, for yearning has burdened me,
With a journey to the beloved, so do not blame me,

٤. يا نُوقُ عُذراً فَإنَّ الشَّوقَ كَلَّفَنِي
إلَى الحَبِيبِ بِمَسْرانَا فَلا تَلُمي

5. After this abode, neither I nor you will have any shelter,
Just mountain goats and a house at the brackish spring,

٥. ما لِي وَلا لَكِ بَعْدَ الدَّارِ مِن أَرَبٍ
هذي الظِّباءُ وَبَيتُ المَوْرِدِ الشَّبِمِ

6. From every snatcher of glances, heavy of buttocks,
Soft of limbs, like an arithmetic rod,

٦. مِن كُلِّ مُخْطَفَةِ الأَعْطافِ مُثْقَلَةِ الْ
أَرْدافِ ناعِمَةِ الأَطْرافِ كَالْعَنَمِ

7. As if her mouth desires her when she passes by,
And kisses her footprints from her,

٧. كَأَنَّما الثَّغْرُ يَهْواهَا إِذْا خَطَرَتْ
مِثْلي فَيَلْثُمُ مِنْها مِوطِئَ القَدَمِ

8. As if death runs in her eyelids,
And every glance is a messenger seeking blood,

٨. كَأَنَّما المَوْتُ يَجْرِي فِي مَحاجِرِهَا
وَكُلُّ لَحْظٍ رَسولٌ طالِبٌ بِدَمِ

9. O people of her abode, keeping her safe is enough
To bear, along with the burdensome and the arduous,

٩. يا أَهْلَها قَد كَفَتْكُمْ فِي صِيانَتِها
حَمْلَ الرُّدَيْنِيِّ وَالصَّمْصامَةِ الخَذِمِ

10. Her wrap is worn out and the anklet still elegant,
Fertile it is, just as livelihoods differ in allotment,

١٠. وِشاحُها مُعْدِمٌ وَالحِجْلُ مُقْتَدِرٌ
مُثْرٍ كَذاكَ اخْتِلافُ الرِّزْقِ فِي القِسَمِ

11. As if she is of softness and luxury,
Water that took bodily form for visions, like an idol,

١١. كَأَنَّما هِيَ مِن لِينٍ وَمِن تَرَفٍ
ماءٌ تَجَسَّدَ لِلأبْصارِ كَالصَّنَمِ

12. Be careful, O pearl, of the brilliance of her playfulness,
And return to the sea, shells, and darkness,

١٢. إيَّاكَ يا دُرُّ عَن لأَلاَءِ لَبَّتِها
وَارْجِعْ إلَى اليَمَّ وَالأصْدافِ وَالظُّلمِ

13. And do not say that I am of the same essence as her smile,
For you can be found cheaper than her value,

١٣. وَلاَ تَقُلْ إِنَّني مِن جِنْسِ مَبْسِمِها
فَأَنْتَ تُوَجَدُ بِالأَدْنَى مِنَ القِيَمِ

14. Love of singing girls and love of glory are similar,
The only difference between people is in their aspirations,

١٤. عِشْقُ الغَوانِي وَعِشْقُ المَجْدِ مُشْتَبِهٌ
وَإِنَّما الفَرْقُ بَيْنَ النَّاسِ بِالهِمَمِ

15. For the eye of this one watches for union with a singing girl,
While the eye of Moses did not sleep from Islam,

١٥. فَعَيْنُ هذا تُراعِي وَصْلَ غَانِيَةٍ
وَعَينُ موسى عَنِ الإسلامِ لَمْ تَنَمِ

16. God is Greatest! How much provision and lifespan
He makes flow between the edge of the sword and the pen,

١٦. الأشْرَفُ المَلِكُ الوَهَّابُ مُبْتَدِئاً
شُمَّ الأُنوفِ بِما فِيها مِنَ النِّعَمِ

17. What are waves but the sea's thrashing out of envy for it,
And what is lightning but the field's shyness from its rain,

١٧. نالَ العُلَى بِيَدٍ بَيْضاءَ ما بَرِحَتْ
مِنْ فَوْقَ كُلَّ يَدٍ أَو تَحْتَ كُلِّ فَمِ

18. O kindler of fire for guests out of generosity,
And kindler of fire for enemies out of vengeance,

١٨. اللَّهُ أكْبَرُ كَمْ رِزْقٍ وَكمْ أَجَلٍ
يُجْرِيِهما بَيْنَ حَدِّ السَّيْفِ وَالقَلَمِ

19. For how many flags of peace do you have a fire,
And for how many flags of war do you have a fire,

١٩. مَا المَوجُ إلاَّ الْتِطامُ البَحْرِ مِنْ حَسَدٍ
لَهُ وَلاَ الْبَرْقُ إلاّ خَجْلَةُ الدَّيَمِ

20. The sword is like you, smiling when faced,
When the faces of horses and heroes frown,

٢٠. يا مُوقِدَ النارِ لِلأَضْيافِ مِنْ كَرَمٍ
وَمُوقِدَ النّارِ لِلأَعْداءِ مِن نِقَمِ

21. Between heated war from enemy riders,
And a sea clash from the vessels' collision,

٢١. فَكَمْ لِسَلْمِكَ مِن نارٍ عَلى عَلَمٍ
وَكَمْ لِحَرْبِكَ مِن نارٍ عَلى عَلَمِ

22. There the whites rip out the innards out of evil,
And the browns bury in the livers out of ailment,

٢٢. السَّيْفُ مِثْلُكَ طَلْقُ الوَجْهِ مُبْتَسِمٌ
إِذْا اكْفَهَرَّتْ وُجوهُ الخَيلِ وَالبُهُمِ

23. There, indeed, my precious soul is certain
That survival is for it in the arena of nonexistence,

٢٣. ما بَينَ حرٍّ مِنَ الخِرْصانِ مُضْطَرِمٍ
وَلُجِّ بَحْرٍ مِنَ المَإِذْيِّ مُلْتَطِمِ

24. The essence of glory is aversion, scarcely accustomed,
Except for giving away riches or shedding blood,

٢٤. هُنالِكَ البِيضُ تَفْرِي الَهامَ مِن شَرَهٍ
وَتَكْرَعُ السُّمْرُ فِي الأكبادِ مِن قَرَمِ

25. You have ennobled Ayyub, O Moses, just as
The soul of Ibrahim was ennobled by Al-Mustafa in ancient times,

٢٥. هُناكَ إِنَّ نَفِيسَ النَّفْسِ مُعْتَقِدٌ
أَنَّ البَقاءَ لَهُ فِي حَيِّزِ العَدَمِ

26. You have established for the religion and the world and its inhabitants,
The age of youth after old age and decay,

٢٦. بِكْرُ المَعالِي نَفُورٌ قَطُّ ما أَنِسَتْ
إلاّ لِبَذْل نَوالِ أو لِسَفْكِ دَمِ

27. Your generosity is an ocean, the richest of all creation,
Through which you brought people altogether closer,

٢٧. شَرَّفْتَ أَيُّوبَ يا موسى كما شَرُفَتْ
بِالمُصْطَفَى نَفْسُ إبْرَاهِيمَ فِي القِدَمِ

28. I am the one whom a caring hand of yours embraced,
So what can I say about what has passed and my regret?

٢٨. أَعَدْتَ لِلدِّينِ وَالدُّنْيا وَساكِنِها
عَصْرَ الشَّبِيبَةِ بَعْدَ الشَّيْبِ وَالهَرَمِ

29. You planted me with a hand that enriched those it enriched,
So pluck the fruits of my gratitude's harvest through my words,

٢٩. جُودٌ هُوَ البَحْرُ أغْنى الخَلْقَ كُلَّهُمُ
فِيهِ فَقَرَّبَ بَيْنَ النّاسِ كُلِّهِمِ

30. And celebrate a feast you provided for all people,
Through which you won the reward of all people.

٣٠. أَنا الَّذِي شَمَلَتْنِي مِنْكَ عاطِفَةٌ
فَما أَقُولُ عَلى ما فَاتَ وَانَدَمِي