
She came to life, and with her gentle breeze revived me,

حيت فأحيت بطيب رياها

1. She came to life, and with her gentle breeze revived me,
Quenching with her sweet lips my thirsty soul.

١. حَيَّتْ فَأَحْيَتْ بِطيبِ رَيّاهَا
هَيْفاءُ ظَمْأَى الشِّفاهِ رَيّاها

2. Her fair complexion, were it named, would rightly be called,
By one who knew her, narcissus in full bloom.

٢. بيْضاءُ إِنْ سُمِّيَتْ جَوارِحُها
لَوَاحِظاً وَافَقَتْ مُسَمّاها

3. She revived the nights of union with her soft voice,
And how many nights of separation has she lamented!

٣. أَحيَتْ لَيالِي وِصالِهَا دَنفاً
وَكَمْ لَيالٍ بِالهَجْرِ أَحْياها

4. Her breasts like pomegranates reveal
That the fruits of the pomegranate tree adorn her cheeks.

٤. رُمَّانَتا صَدْرِها تَدُلُّ عَلى
أَنَّ جَنَى الجُلَّنارِ خَدّاها

5. I kiss her cheek and find violets
And narcissi which her eyes have opened.

٥. أَلْثُمُ مِن خَدِّها بَنَفْسَجَةً
وَنَرْجِساً فَتَّحَتْهُ عَيْناها

6. With a coy glance she turns away,
Her eyelids extremely prudent in self-protection.

٦. رِيمَةُ الإلْتِفاتِ نافِرَةٌ
بالَغَ فِي الإحتِراسِ جَفْناها

7. Her cheeks turned pale, her veil covering them,
Her plaited hair matched by her folds.

٧. باهَتْ وِشاحاً لَها مَعاطِفُها
وَجانَسَتْ عِقْدَها ثَناياها

8. And it burned his heart how she ignored him,
The tears' gesture and their meaning to her.

٨. وَاحَرَّ قَلْباهُ مِنْ تَجاهُلِها
إشارَةَ الدَّمْعِ وَهْيَ مَعْناها

9. And never will I blame her for sin,
For the nature of Time has turned against her.

٩. وَلَسْتُ يَوْماً بِالذَّنْبِ أُلْزِمُها
فَإنَّ طَبْعَ الزَّمانِ أَعْداها

10. Woe to the soul that found sickness in her and him
And cannot bear its agony.

١٠. واهاً لِنَفْسٍ مِنْها وَمِنْهُ غَدَتْ
سَقِيمَةً لاَ تُطِيقُ بَلْواها

11. She came to the Merciful Servant in search, perhaps,
He may relieve the pain of her anguished plea.

١١. أَتَتْ لِعَبْدِ الرَّحِيمِ قاصِدَةً
عَساهُ يُشْكِي أَلِيمَ شَكْواها

12. She is a Kaaba of generosity, her palm a stone
Which we hasten to kiss when she presents it.

١٢. كَعْبَةٌ جُوْدٍ وَكَفُّها حَجَرٌ
يَهْمِي نَداها إِذْا اسْتَلَمْناها

13. We came to her, though it split our souls
To bear the weight of her many burdens.

١٣. جِئْنا إلَيْها بِشِقٍّ أَنْفُسِنا
مِنْ ثِقْلِ أَيْدٍ لَها حَملْناها

14. She has hands that followed in succession, so
Their appointed time duly reached their origin.

١٤. لَها أَيادٍ تَتابَعَتْ فَأتَى
مُعادُها لاَحِقاً بِمَبْداها

15. How much favour she has shown the weak!
How much justice returned through her fair rule!

١٥. كَمْ مِنَنٍ لِلْعُفاةِ أَسْداها
وَكَمْ أَعادٍ بِالْعَدْلِ أَرْداها

16. She protected the sanctuary of the pure Hanif creed
From the regiments the Book has described.

١٦. حَمَى حِمَى المِلَّةِ الْحَنِيفَةِ مِنْ
كَتائِبٍ فِي الكِتابِ أَمْلاَها

17. She settled in the clouds, her origin obscured,
And after that her fire was not provoked.

١٧. فَاسْتَوْطَنَتْ فِي الغُمودِ أَنْصُلُها
وَلَمْ تَثُرْ بَعْدُ نارُ هَيجْاها

18. Her hands were generous with wealth, and she took pride
Above a raincloud pouring its water.

١٨. جَادَتْ يَداهُ بِالمَالِ فَافْتَخَرَتْ
عَلى سَحابٍ يَجُودُ أَمْواها

19. If glory had a limit or epitome,
You would not have surpassed it!

١٩. لَوْ كانَ لِلْمَجْدِ غَاَيٌة وَنَدىً
عَنِ الّذِي حُزْتَ ما تَعَدّاها

20. Shall I complain of poverty and disfavour when
From your gifts come wealth and rank?

٢٠. أَأَشْتَكِي الفَقْرَ وَالْخُمُولَ وَإنَّ
مِنْ عَطاياكَ المَالَ وَالْجَاها

21. If my share is small, your good opinion of me
Is a treasure house, never devoid of its beauty.

٢١. إنْ قَلَّ حَظَّي فَحُسْنُ رَأْيِكَ لِي
ذَخِيرَةٌ لاَ عَدِمْتُ حُسْناها