
Alas! The heart of a lover, what does it endure?

ويح قلب المحب ماذا يقاسي

1. Alas! The heart of a lover, what does it endure?
Every heart becomes like stone towards it.

١. وَيْحَ قَلْبِ المُحِبِّ ماذا يُقاسِي
كُلُّ قَلْبٍ عَلَيهِ كَالصَّخْرِ قَاسِ

2. Oh my eyes! Where are the tears? For my heart
Has melted, my breath kindled to flames.

٢. يا جُفُونِي أَيْنَ الدُّمُوعُ فَقَد أَحْ
رَقَ قَلْبِي تَوَقُّدُ الأَنْفاسِ

3. My passion and longing intensified through love
Of a beauty, whose memory set my heart afire and maddened me.

٣. جَدَّ وَجْدِي بِحُبِّ لاَهٍ وَأَوْدَى
بِفُؤَادِي تَذْكَارُهُ وَهْوَ نَاسِ

4. Of Turkish origin, gentle in manners, hard-hearted,
Easy to deceive, difficult to be sociable.

٤. مِنْ بَنِي التُّرْكِ لَيِّنُ العِطْفِ قاسِي الْ
قَلْبِ سَهْلُ الْخِداَعِ صَعْبُ المِراسِ

5. Narrow-eyed, which is a trait of the miser, so if he is generous,
It goes against the norm.

٥. ضَيِّقُ العَيْنِ وَهْوَ مِنْ صِفَةِ البُخْ
لِ فَإِنْ جَادَ كانَ ضِدَّ القِياسِ

6. He drew the bow, and his cheeks were adorned
With a rose-colored robe, its embroidery from Aceh.

٦. جَذَبَ القَوْسَ فَاكْتَسَتْ وَجْنَتَاهُ
ثَوْبَ وَرْدٍ طِرازُهُ مِنْ آسِ

7. And he shot two arrows, one into my heart
And the other into the paper.

٧. وَرَمَى عَنْ قَوْسَيْنِ سَهْمَيْنِ هذَا
فِي فُؤَادِي وَذاكَ فِي القِرْطاسِ

8. Under arms he is a lion in its lair,
And on the bed, a gazelle in the meadow.

٨. فَهُوَ تَحْتَ السِّلاحِ لَيْثُ عَرِينٍ
وَهْوَ فَوْقَ الفِراشِ ظَبْيُ كِنَاسِ

9. My friend, for God’s sake sing, make mention of him,
And hide the spittle on his lips with wine.

٩. يَا نَدِيْمِي بِاللَّهِ غَنِّ بِذِكْرا
هُ وَمَوِّهْ عَنْ رِيْقِهِ بِالكَاسِ

10. And enjoy the pleasures of life, for no amusement
Exists except in revelry and dalliance.

١٠. وَاغْتَنِمْ لَذَّةَ الزَّمانِ فَما جِلَّ
قُ إِلاَّ بِاللَّهْوِ وِالإِيْنَاسِ

11. How lovely are the Nereids from the Euphrates river,
And the green meadows of Banas!

١١. حَبَّذَا النَّيْرَبَانِ مِنْ نَهْرِ ثَوْرَا
وَاخْضِرَارُ المُرُوجِ مِنْ بَانَاسِ

12. And the breeze that blows over the hillocks
Anointed with fragrant breath.

١٢. وَالنَّسِيمُ الَّذِي يَمُرُّ عَلى الغُو
طَةِ رَيَّانَ عَاطِرَ الأنْفاسِ

13. A town the minister made prosperous, so its pasture
Became fertile and its people immersed in celebration.

١٣. بَلْدَةٌ حَلَّهَا الوَزِيرُ فَمَرْعَا
هَا خَصِيبٌ وَالنّاسُ فِي أَعْراسِ

14. Say to the one who sees me, say I seek refuge with the Lord
Of mankind. This minister is the lord of mankind!

١٤. قُلْ لِرَائِيْهِ قُلْ أَعُوذُ بِرَبِّ النَّ
اسِ هذَا الوَزِيرُ رَبُّ النَّاسِ

15. An awe that fills hearts, a dignity from which
The eyes of those seated around are dazzled.

١٥. هَيْبَةٌ تَمْلأُ القُلُوبَ وَشَخْصٌ
تَمْتَلِي مِنْهُ أَعْيُنُ الجُلاَّسِ

16. Intellect that fathoms the seven oceans, and wisdom before which
Mountains crumble.

١٦. وَذَكَاءٌ يَسْتَنْقِصُ الأبْحُرَ السَّبْ
عَ وَحِلْمٌ لَهُ تَخِرُّ الرَّوَاسِي