1. The heart's beloved is graceful and fine
His charm beyond words can define
١. مغرمُ القلبِ مدنفُ
وجدُهُ ليس يوصفُ
2. They promised and failed to comply
We kept our word; they did not try
٢. وَعَدُونا وأَخلفوا
وَوَفَينا ولم يَفُوا
3. I'm a guest, by your hearth bid stay
Where, where is my host today?
٣. أَنا ضيفٌ بربعكمْ
أينَ أينَ المضيِّف
4. Those familiar deny they know me
Dead are those I used to see
٤. أَنكرتْني معارفي
ماتَ مَنْ كنتُ أَعرفُ