1. Submit to the conqueror of victories burdened
And shed blood for the kingdom of countries taken
١. اسْلَمْ لبكرِ الفُتوحِ مُفْترِعا
ودُمْ لمُلْكِ البلادِ مُنتزِعا
2. For the foremost of people rightfully own it
Tomorrow bearing the load of adversities
٢. فإنَّ أَولى الورى بها ملكٌ
غدا بعبءِ الخطوبِ مُضطلعا
3. If a matter grows dire, change not your resolve
To relieve the tightness of affairs, it will not suffice
٣. إنْ ضاقَ أَمرٌ فغيرُ هِمّتهِ
لكشفِ ضيقِ الأُمورِ لن يسعا
4. O reviver of justice after its death
And promoter of truth after it was humbled
٤. يا محييّ العدلِ بعدَ ميتتهِ
ورافعَ الحقِّ بعد ما اتَّضعا
5. And light of the religion of guidance that suppressed polytheism
And purified misguidance and innovation
٥. ونورَ دينِ الهُدى الذي قمعَ الشّ
ركَ وعفّى الضّلالَ والبِدَعا
6. You are Solomon in chastity and in
Kingdom and your asceticism emulates Jesus
٦. أَنتَ سليمانُ في العفافِ وفي ال
مُلكِ وتحكي بزُهدِكَ اليَسَعا
7. You grasped permanence, modesty, pure
Generosity, certainty of faith and piety
٧. حُزتَ البقا والحياءَ والكرمَ ال
محضَ وحسنَ اليقينِ والورعا
8. You dropped installments of the unlawful that you found
With justice and the violator was deterred
٨. أَسقطتَ أَقساطَ ما وجدتَ من ال
مكسِ بعدلٍ والقاسط ارتدعا
9. And you did not refrain in seeking the interest of
Religion for us to remain and not be sought
٩. ولم تدعْ في ابتغاءِ مصلحةِ ال
دِّينِ لنا باقيساً ولن تَدعا
10. And all that is dispersed among kings
Of glories converged for your kingdom
١٠. وكلُّ ما في الملوك مُفْترقٌ
من المعالي لملككَ اجتمعا
11. Your resolve is to connect and schools you
Build as reward and demolish the markets
١١. همّتُكَ الرُّبْطُ والمدارسُ تب
نيها ثواباً وتهدمُ البَيعَا
12. You have not ceased to be of supported
Discernment over the unseen informed
١٢. ما زلتَ ذا فطنةٍ مؤيَّدةٍ
على غُيوبِ الأَسرارِ مطلعا
13. By your might the whites and the pads became
By your justice the wolf and the lamb grazed
١٣. ببأسكَ البيضُ والطُّلَى اصطبحتْ
بعدلكَ الذِّئبُ والطَّلا رتعا
14. How many hunters with no catch
Fell in a trap while he fell in it
١٤. كم صائدٍ لم يقعْ له قنصٌ
في شَرَكٍ وهو فيه قد وقعا
15. And an owner whose fortress you shot
Became obedient to command following
١٥. ومالكٍ حين رُمتَ قلعتَهُ
غدا مطيعاً للأَمرِ متَّبعا
16. Bowing to the Lord of a kingdom
Not to the Lord of the Skies did he bow
١٦. عنا خشوعاً لربِّ مملكةٍ
لغيرِ ربِّ السماءِ ما خَشَعا
17. Residing in it high upon the sphere
A meteor with its light shining
١٧. كان مقيماً بها على الفلكِ ال
أعلى شهاباً بنورهِ سَطَعا
18. But meteors do not illuminate when
The pillar of dawn emerged and split
١٨. لكنّما الشُّهبُ ما تنيرُ إذا
لاحَ عمودُ الصّباحِ فانْصَدعا
19. Willingly he hands it over to you and how
Much against it he resisted with effort
١٩. يدفعُها طائعاً إليكَ وكم
عنها إباءً بجهدهِ دفعا
20. It is the one Saturn loathed
Its cycles and did not hate it
٢٠. هي التي في علوِّها زُحَلٌ
كرَّ على وِرْدها وما كرها
21. And it is the one Mercury in the
Horizon approached shining and the two planets together
٢١. وهي التي قاربتْ عطاردَ في ال
أُفقِ فلاحاً والفرقَدين معا
22. As if from it the meteors when they stole the
Hearing came to it in secret and prayed
٢٢. كأَنَّ منها السُّها إذا استرقَ السّ
معَ أَتاها في خيفةٍ ودعا
23. A plateau of might but for you was not ascended
And a kingdom's pillar but for you did not grow
٢٣. هضبةُ عزٍّ لولاكَ ما ارتُقيت
وطوْدُ ملكٍ لولاكَ ما فرعا
24. It did not accept in ascending its summit
A kingdom that did not rise or was fooled
٢٤. ما قبلت في ارتقاءِ ذروتها
من ملكٍ لا رُقي ولا خُدعَا
25. It became mighty over the martyred king and gave
You leadership that still refuses
٢٥. عزت على المالك الشّهيد واعْ
طتكَ قياداً ما زال ممتنعا
26. For the father if its affairs were glorious he would be
Forbidden to his son and not licit
٢٦. للأَبِ لو جلَّ خطبها لغدا
محرِّماً لابنه وما شرعا
27. You remain praised in your matters praised
Clothed in the garb of prosperity armored
٢٧. ما زلت محمودُ في أمورك مح
موداً بثوبِ الإقبالِ مدَّرعا