
Generosity has been bestowed upon me in profusion

قد أهدي الإثراء في الإيفاض لي

1. Generosity has been bestowed upon me in profusion,
Since the vast sea of the eminent has overflowed to me.

١. قد أُهدِيَ الإثراءُ في الإيفاضِ لي
مذ فاضَ لي بالرَّحبِ بحرُ الفاضلِ

2. Its meeting place has poured forth wealth from my poverty,
The turns of fate have continued to favor me from it.

٢. قد عاضَ لي ملقاهُ من فقري غنىً
ما زالَ صَرْفُ الدَّهرِ منه عاضلي

3. How much wished-for things lingered, then returned with guidance,
Until through meeting it I overcame my rivals.

٣. كم من مُنىً ظَلَّتْ وعاودتِ الهدى
بلقائهِ حتى غلبتُ مناضلي

4. I witnessed a gentle, tranquil full moon,
And saw the virtue of an auspicious morning, and landed on a sea of overflowing bounty.

٤. عاينتُ طَوْدَ سكينةٍ ورأيتُ شم
س فضيلةٍ ووردتُ بحرَ فواضلِ

5. And I met the clouds of eloquence pouring down
With its clarity the garment of prime words.

٥. ولقيتُ سَحْبانَ البلاغةِ ساحباً
ببيانهِ ثوبَ الفخارِ لوائلِ

6. I saw a bow performing miracles in rhetoric,
So I knew I was in the bloom of early youth.

٦. أَبصرتُ قُساً في الفصاحةِ معجزاً
فعرفتُ أَنيّ في فَهاهةِ باقِلِ

7. The oath of eloquence, judgment, affability, zeal and piety and attainment
A sea of abundant virtue, its abundance swelling,

٧. حلفُ الفصاحةِ والحصافةِ والسّما
حةِ والحماسةِ والتُّقى والنائلِ

8. Its water rising high, having no coast.
And all that is on earth is seven seas,

٨. بحرٌ من الفضلِ الغزيرِ خِضَمُّهُ
طامي العُبابِ ومالهُ من ساحلِ

9. And its seas are called by ten fingers.
In his palm is a pen that hastens its course

٩. وجميع ما في الأرض سبعة أَبحر
وبحوره تُسمْى بعشر أَنامل

10. What was late has come early by its provision.
It flows not like the flow of a drawn sword when it strikes,

١٠. في كفِّهِ قلمٌ يُعجِّلُ جريُهُ
ما كان من أجلٍ ورزقٍ آجلِ

11. But the flow of descending destiny.
Its writing has sprung up like a lofty battalion,

١١. يجري ولا جَرْيَ الحسام إذا مضى
حدّاهُ بل جَرْيَ القضاء النازلِ

12. Entrusted with the defeat of battalions and regiments.
How much relief its aid has brought, and how much

١٢. نابتْ كتابتُهُ منابَ كتيبةٍ
كُفِلَتْ بهزمِ كتائبٍ وجحافلِ

13. It has dictated success to the hopes of the hopeful!
With his insight, a scholar is forever heeded

١٣. كم جادَ إسعافاً لعافيهِ وكم
أَملى التجاحَ على رجايَ الآملِ

14. In his flock, and the flock of the ignorant is led.
His enemy is an enemy in his enmity, his friend and ally

١٤. بيراعهِ أَبداً يُراعى عالمٌ
في سِرْبهِ ويُراعُ سربُ الجاهلِ

15. In his justice - O excellent, equitable habits!
A meadow watered from the spring of piety, flowing to

١٥. فعدُّوهُ في عَدْوهِ ووليُّهُ
في عَدْلهِ يا حُسْنَ عادٍ عادلِ

16. The earning of praise, which are the best watering places.
His merit covered the contrary nature of our time from us

١٦. ريّانُ من ماءِ التُّقى صاد إلى
كَسْبِ المحامدِ وهي خيرُ مناهلِ

17. And his truth did away with falsehood.
His adequacy guaranteed every merit

١٧. غَطّتْ فضيلتُهُ نقيضةَ دهرِنا
عنّا وأَذهبَ حَقُّهُ بالباطلِ

18. The most generous with enough merits, embracing.
The most generous with him from a treasure trove of favor and

١٨. كفلتْ كفايتُه بكلِّ فضيلةٍ
أَكرمْ بكافٍ للفضائلِ كافلِ

19. Merit to the people of Syria, healing, inclusive.
Whenever he lodged in a country, his dwelling

١٩. أَكرمْ به من خِدْنِ إفضال وذي
فَضْلٍ لأهل الشام شافٍ شاملِ

20. Was none other than a pleasant garden.
So may every bold transgressor ransom your resolve,

٢٠. ما حلَّ في بلدٍ فكانَ مَحَلُّهُ
إلاّ محلَّ حياً بروضٍ ماحلِ

21. And may every neglectful heedless one ransom your favor!
O unique one of the age, who adorned the world

٢١. ففداءُ حزمِكَ كلُّ غاشٍ غاشمٍ
وفداءُ فضلكَ كلُّ غافٍ غافلِ

22. With merit without any disputes or controversies!
O most eloquent of orators, indeed O most eloquent

٢٢. يا أَوحدَ العصرِ الذي بزَّ الورى
فضلاً بغيرِ مشاكهٍ ومشاكلِ

23. Of the eloquent, unparalleled without any debates!
O eminent in merit, show further grace to me

٢٣. يا أفضلَ الفصحاءِ بل يا أَفصحَ ال
بلغاءِ منفرداً بغيرِ مساجلِ

24. With your generosity, O excellent unfettered script!
How many deficient ones going into decline have you returned me from,

٢٤. يا حالياً بالفضلِ حلِّ تفضلاً
منِّي بجدِّك جيدَ خطٍّ عاطلِ

25. But the access of your favor has met me!
Without you this Levant would have frightened

٢٥. كم ناقصٍ إدبارهُ قد ردَّني
لكنّما إقبالُ فضلكَ قابلي

26. The dweller in it, and saddened the departing one.
What is the way to the success of my aims

٢٦. قد كان هذا الشّامُ لولا أنتمُ
روعَ المقيمِ بهِ وروحَ الرَّاحلِ

27. And my virtues, which are the channels of my faults?
I have no need of the prestige of the ignorant, so enrich me

٢٧. كيف السّبيلُ إلى نجاحِ مقاصدي
ومحاسني وهي العيوب وسائلي

28. Beyond them - you have sufficed them - and be generous to me with prestige!
Be generous to me through your meager blessing my blessing

٢٨. ما لي وجاه الجاهلين فأغنني
عنهم كفيتَهُمُ وجُدْ بالجاهِ لي

29. Beyond it, and weigh down my shoulders with your beauty!
I hope you will patronize me with the Sultan

٢٩. جُدْ لي بمنّتكَ الضعيفة مُنّتي
عنها وأَثقلْ من جميلك كاهلي

30. With kindness - for the like of you patronizes the like of me.
Discharge the debt of glory your patron owes,

٣٠. أَرجوك معتنياً لدى السُّلطان بي
كرماً فمثلُكَ يَعتني بأَماثلي

31. The promise-keeper of promises from the procrastinating days.
Appoint for me the prestigious occupation, leaving

٣١. تُوفي وليّكَ دَيْنَ مَجْدٍ عاقَهُ
ليُّ الوعودِ من الزَّمانِ الماطلِ

32. My mind free from the persisting, preoccupying concerns,
You remain a cloud of virtues, and stay a

٣٢. قرِّرْ ليَ الشُّغلَ المبجّلَ مخلياً
بالي من الهمِّ المقيم الشّاغلِ

33. Cloud of utmost virtues, and remain a cave of the eminent!

٣٣. لا زلتَ غيثَ مكارمٍ وبقيتَ غَوْ
ثَ أَكارمٍ وسلمتَ كهفَ أَفاضلِ