1. Will the time of passed connection return
Or will my youthfulness return to me while I'm sick
١. هل عائدٌ زمنُ الوِصالِ المنْقَضي
أَم عائدٌ لي في الصبابة ممرضي
2. I do not complain except of passion for it
Is an affliction upon me from the sky, by it I was judged
٢. لا أَشتكي إلاّ الغرام فإنّهُ
بلوى عليَّ من السّماءِ بها قُضي
3. My state in love is not shining
You tried to comfort me while you spur me
٣. لا لاح حالي في الهوى مشهورةٌ
حاولتَ تسليتي وأَنتَ مُحرِّضي
4. Lower yourself to me, for blame is not in a confidant
In one who says to every cheek, "Lower yourself"
٤. خَفِّضْ عليكَ فما الملامُ بناجعٍ
فيمن يقولُ لكلِّ لاحٍ خَفِّضِ
5. Exposing myself to your advice would have benefited me
If it was possible for exposure to comfort me
٥. كان التعرُّضُ لي بنصحكَ نافعي
لو كانَ يمكنُ للسُّلوِّ تعرُّضي
6. I exposed my love to comfort, and I'm tired
Concealing the secret from the spyers exposes me
٦. عرَّضت وجدي للسلوِّ ومُتْعبٌ
كتمانُ سِرّ للوُشاةِ معرِّضِ
7. I spent the provision of patience from my burden, so is there
One who gives patience or one who lends it?
٧. أَنفقتُ ذُخرَ الصّبرِ من كلفي فهل
من واهبٍ للصّبرِ أَو من مُقرِضِ
8. Does he endure severe pain while his heart pounds
To the arrows of an archer aiming at the watcher, withdrawing?
٨. أَيبلُّ مضنىً قلبُهُ مُتَهدِّفٌ
لسهامِ رامٍ للّواحظِ مُنبضِ
9. My fervor for the embraces of an affectionate lover
To his lover, and he wards off the rejection of the rejector
٩. شغفي بأَغيدَ مُقبلٍ بودادهِ
لمحبِّهِ ويصدُّ صدَّ المعرِضِ
10. My complaints of a guide who increases the beloved
And my resentment of coldness that persists, hating
١٠. شكوايَ من دَلٍّ يزيدُ مُحَبَّبٍ
وضنايَ من صدٍّ يدوم مُبغّضِ
11. O excellent is the fresh water and excellent
Is the cleanliness of the pond, rinsing
١١. يا حبّذا ماءُ العُذيبِ وحبذا
بنظافة الغُزرِ العِذابِ تمضمضي
12. My anxiety for the time of youth, for I
With nothing but regretting it, did not make up for it
١٢. لهفي على زمنِ الشّبابِ فإنّني
بسوى التأَسُّفِ عنه لم أَتعوضِ
13. The promises of the singing girls are broken, and that
If not for the passing of my youth, it would not have passed
١٣. نُقضتْ عهودُ الغانياتِ وإنّها
لولا انقضاءُ شبيبتي لم تنقضِ
14. Youth adorned the clothes, but rather
The freshness of my livelihood went when it passed
١٤. كان الصِّبا أَضفى الثياب وإنّما
ذهبتْ نضارةُ عيشتي لمّا نُضي
15. O beautiful days of youth, and it is as if they are
The days of our Master Imam Al-Mustadhi
١٥. يا حسنَ أَيام الصِّبا وكأَنّها
أَيامُ مولانا الإمامِ المستضي
16. Of splendid radiance, its light rises
And splendid ascension and bright face
١٦. ذو البهجةِ الزهراءِ يشرقُ نورُها
والطلعةِ الغرّاءِ والوجهِ الوَضي
17. Our Lord divided happiness and misery
Among the creation, between his lover and hater
١٧. قَسَمَ السَعادةَ والشقاوَةَ رَبُّنا
في الخلقِ بينَ مُحبِّهِ والمبغضِ
18. He cloaked the shades of justice after diminishing
And built the foundation of justice after crumbling
١٨. أَضفى ظلالَ العَدْل بعدَ تقلُّصٍ
وبَنَى أَساسَ العدلِ بعدَ تقوُّضِ
19. He gave virtue over the caliphs and the creation through piety
And grace, favor, and pleasant manners
١٩. فضلَ الخلائفَ والخلائقَ بالتُّقى
والفضلِ والإفضالِ والخلقِ الرَّضي
20. So he favored, O Commander of the Faithful, with a state
That does not end and happiness that does not pass
٢٠. فانْعَمْ أَميرَ المؤمنينَ بدولةٍ
ما تنتهي وسعادةٍ ما تنقضي