
With the just king Mahmud

بالملك العادل محمود

1. With the just king Mahmud
The days have fulfilled my promise

١. بالمَلكِ العادِل محمودِ
أَنْجَزتِ الأيامُ موعودي

2. Good fortune resides me in his shade
And my luck has bloomed like burning incense wood

٢. أسكنني الإقبالُ في ظلِّهِ
وعادَ حظّي مُورِقَ العُودِ

3. He who did not reside in his shade
Is not fortunate

٣. مَنْ لم يكنْ في ظلِّهِ ساكناً
فإنّه ليسَ بِمَسْعُودِ

4. And how can a servant not be blissful for him
Who established justice and generosity

٤. وكيف لا يَسْعَدُ عبدٌ له
أَقامَ بينَ العدلِ والجُودِ

5. The ships of hopes from his generosity
Are laden with bounty from us

٥. سفائنُ الآمالِ من جُودهِ
قد اسْتَوَتْ منا على الجُودي

6. His white favors with their radiance
Illuminate our dark nights

٦. آلاؤُه البيضُ بِلألائها
تُشرِقُ في ليلاتِنا السُّودِ

7. His determination is famous in the world
And his sword is not hidden

٧. عَزْمَتُهُ مشهورة في الورى
وسيفُهُ ليس بمغمود

8. And the mark of the infidels' mouths, his traits
Not the kiss of the gentle and kind mouths

٨. وثَلْمُ ثَغْرِ الكُفرِ عاداتُهُ
لا لَثْمُ ثَغْرِ الغادةِ الرُّودِ

9. The odes of praise bend for his kindness, not
The melody of odes and chants

٩. تثني مثاني الذِّكر عطْفَيهِ لا
لحنُ المثاني والأَغاريدِ

10. And in the meadows of his army is tranquility
That makes one forget the twittering of insects

١٠. وفي مطا الجُرْدِ له راحةٌ
تُنسي وصالَ الخُرَّدِ الغِيدِ

11. I have become a pillar of Islam and how many
Pillars of misguidance you have demolished

١١. غدوت للإسلامِ رُكْناً وكم
رُكْنِ ضلالٍ بكَ مهدودِ

12. And humiliation to the doctrines of polytheists in
The victorious banner devoted to you

١٢. وذُلّ لأْواءِ بني الشِّرْكِ في
لواءِ نصرٍ لكَ معقودِ

13. You have established in Damascus the edifice of guidance
With strong and wise determination, what a construction!

١٣. شيَّدتَ بالشَّامِ بناءَ الهُدَى
عَزْماً وحَزْماً أيَّ تَشْييدِ

14. Were it not for you, its outskirts would not
Raise the banners of faith and monotheism

١٤. لولاكَ لم تَعْلُ بأَطرافهِ
راياتُ إيمانٍ وتوحيدِ

15. So you left no infidel in its land
Or atheist who is not demolished

١٥. فلم تَدَعْ في أرضهِ كافراً
أَو ملحداً ليس بملحودِ

16. And you did not spare any of their leaders
Except to be prey for the master

١٦. ولم تغادرْ منهم سيِّداً
يَغْدُرُ إلاّ طُعْمَةَ السَّيدِ

17. And you continued to strike down their grandees
With your strong courageous army

١٧. ولم تَزَلْ تُردي صناديدهم
بجُندِك الغُرِّ الصّناديدِ

18. O you who split the enemy horde while praising God
In his collection with success and victory

١٨. يا مُغزياً شملَ العدَى واللُّهَى
في جمعهِ الحمدَ بتَبْديدِ

19. I have found reward for my struggle so I gained
What I desired, by the merit of your generosity

١٩. أَجَدْتُ لما جُدْتَ لي فاغْتدى
بمقتضى جُودِكَ تجويدي

20. The feast has congratulated you and people's talk
You have brought light to the religion on Eid

٢٠. هُنِّي بكَ العيدُ وقَوْلُ الورى
هنِّيتَ نورَ الدِّين بالعيدِ