1. If the youth were to complain of their troubles to me
I would spread their troubles among the youth
١. لو كان من شكوى الصَّبابة مشكياً
لعدا على عدوى الصبابة معديا
2. Hope has died, so if you want its life
And resurrection, then seek the life-giving Imam
٢. مات الرجاءُ فإن أَردْتَ حياتَهُ
ونشورَهُ فارجُ الإمام المحييا
3. The best of judges is Muhammad ibn Muhammad
One whose virtues I cannot fully recount
٣. أَقضى القضاةِن محمدُ بن محمدٍ
مَنْ لستُ منه للفضائلِ مُحْصيا
4. With him, injustices have been judged and erased
And he proceeds to erase their traces
٤. قاضٍ به قَضَتِ المظالمُ نَحْبَها
وغدا على آثارِهِنَّ مُعَفيا
5. O you who reveal the truth in your time
Bringing forth treasures that time conceals
٥. يا كاشفاً للحقِّ في أَيامهِ
غُرراً يدومُ لها الزَّمانُ مغَطِّيا
6. The grey-haired were not revived at their deafness
Had they not found your forbearance a harbor
٦. لم تنعش الشهباء عند عثارها
لو لم تجدك لطرد حلمكَ مرسيا
7. Your might, which you unleashed upon the tyrants
To the limit of your resolute determination, made them tremble
٧. رَجَفَتْ لسطوتكَ التي أَرسلْتَها
نحو الطغاةِ لحدِّ عزمِكَ ممهيا
8. And they were darkened by their evil, and so tossed about
Hastening the remnants of their pillars upon themselves
٨. وتظلمتْ من شرِّهم فتململتْ
عجل أَرجازَتَها عليها مبقيا
9. They cast off the disgraced among them when they threw
Their burdens and saw you rid them of these
٩. أَنفتْ من الثقلاءِ فيها إذ رَمَتْ
أَثقالها ورأَتكَ منها ملجيا
10. The milking of tears is an abundant torrent
When faced with the tremendous, tearful situation
١٠. حَلَبٌ لها حلبُ المدامعِ سُيّلٌ
أَنْ لاقت الخطبَ الفظيعَ المبكيا
11. And by the justice of the light of faith, its horizon
Returned, after the clouds of sorrow, serene
١١. وبعدلِ نورِ الدينِ عاودَ أَفقها
من بعدِ غيمِ الغَمِّ جوّاً مُصحيا
12. It came back to life, after it had gone, for its prosperity
And for the good among them you began
١٢. أَضحى لبهجتها معيداً بعدما
ذهبتْ وللمعروفِ فيها مُبديا
13. Looking after their affairs, arranging their disarray
Seeking their betterment, taking responsibility
١٣. لأُمورِها متدبراً لشتاتها
متألفاً لصلاحها مُتولِّيا
14. Thus the Sacred Law returned, supported by his justice
And the truth returned, shaded by his shade
١٤. فالشّرعُ عادَ بعدلهِ مستظهراً
والحقُّ عادَ بظلِّهِ مُستذريا
15. And time sought his pardon, repenting
For what it had gathered, head bowed in embarrassment
١٥. والدَّهرُ لاذَ بعفوهِ مستغفراً
مما جناهُ مطرقاً مُستحييا