
With the conquests of your era, Islam boasts,

بفتوح عصرك يفخر الإسلام

1. With the conquests of your era, Islam boasts,
And with the light of your victory, days shine,

١. بفتوحِ عصرِكَ يَفْخرُ الإسلامُ
وبنُورِ نصركَ تُشرقُ الأَيامُ

2. With the conquest of Baalbek citadel, these kingdoms became refined,
And Syria was set right,

٢. وبفتحِ قعةِ بعلبك تهذَّبتْ
هذي الممالكُ واستقامَ الشّامُ

3. The envious wept blood, and the mouths of passes were delighted,
With your victory for guidance, a destroyer,

٣. وبكى الحسودُ دماًن وثغرُ الثّغرِ من
فرحٍ بنصركَ للهدى بَسّامُ

4. A conquest accomplished during fasting, as if
We are thanking what God has granted, fasting,

٤. فتحٌ تسنَّى في الصِّيامِ كأَنّنا
شكراً لما منحَ الإلهُ صيامُ

5. Who has seen during fasting, a day of happiness?
That has descended upon us, while breaking fast in it is prohibited,

٥. من ذا رأَى في الصّومِ عيدَ سعادةٍ
حلّتْ لنا والفطرُ فيه حرامُ

6. This month is renowned for its fortunes, as
This year has been filled with blessings,

٦. باليُمنِ هذا الشّهرُ مشهورٌ كما
قد عمَّ بالبركاتِ هذا العامُ

7. Salah ad-Din restored wellbeing and the world extended
A hand with its gains, the market of hopes is established,

٧. أَسدَى صلاحُ الدِّين والددُّنيا يداً
بنوالِها سوقُ الرَّجاءِ تُقامُ

8. Your conquests have been completed, so seek the conquest by which
Your conquests will be perfected,

٨. فتملَّ فتحكَ واقصد الفتحَ الذي
بحصولهِ لفتوحكَ الإتمامُ

9. Continue to elevate the sublime until its system endures,
And submit, so that with your victory, Islam triumphs.

٩. دُمْ للعُلى حتى يدوم نظامُها
واسلمْ يعزُّ بنصرِكَ الإسلامُ