
A day dawned with the breezes of good tidings blowing,

يوم أهب صبا الهبات صباحه

1. A day dawned with the breezes of good tidings blowing,
And its winds related the story of victory to you,

١. يومٌ أَهبَّ صَبَا الهباتِ صباحُهُ
وروى حديثَ النّصرِ عنكَ رواحُهُ

2. Good fortune has horizons that give us hope,
And victory has clear mornings that guide us.

٢. فالسّعْدُ مُشرفَةٌ لنا آفاقُهُ
والنّصرُ باديةٌ لنا أوضاحُهُ

3. The orator was true in praising you,
And the singer urged the branch of wishes.

٣. أَوفى على عُود الثّناء خطيبُهُ
وشَدا على غُصن المُنى صَدّاحُهُ

4. So Damascus is the blessed land,
And this year is the life-giving rain.

٤. فالشّامُ مُبْتَلُّ الثّرى ميمونُهُ
والعامُ مُنْهَلُّ الحيا سَحّاحُهُ

5. The homeland declined like fluttering lightning
Dazzling the nations with its flashes.

٥. والمحلُ زالَ كبارقٍ مُتهلّلٍ
لمَّ الشُّعوبَ بوَمْضه لمّاحُهُ

6. So praise be to Allah whose favor
Is sweet, lofty, radiant gain.

٦. فالحمدُ للَّه الذي إفضالُهُ
حُلْوُ الجنَى عالي السّنا وضّاحهُ

7. The enemy returned in the darkness of his injustice
On a night of woe, his lamp quenched,

٧. عادَ العدوُّ بظُلْمَةٍ من ظُلمهِ
في ليلِ ويل قد خَبا مِصْباحُهُ

8. Acceptance of his acceptance declined after
The winds of hypocrisy blew arrogantly.

٨. ركَدَتْ قبولُ قبولهِ من بَعْد أنْ
هَبّتْ غُروراً بالرياءِ رياحُهُ

9. He wanted, by driving his armies,
Profit, but his profits turned to losses.

٩. أوفى يريدُ له بجرِّ جُنوده
ربحاً فجرّتْ خَسْرَةً أرباحُهُ

10. His ignorance brought his downfall
When he fell into the grip of the Mighty, his wings clipped.

١٠. وجنى عليه جهلُهُ بوقوعهِ
في قبضةِ البازي فهيضَ جناحُهُ

11. He carried weapons into battle, not knowing
That it is his own weapons that will vanquish him.

١١. حملَ السّلاحَ إلى القتال وما درى
أنَّ الذي يَجْني عليه سِلاحُهُ

He wanted his confidants to continue their intimacy,

١٢. أضحى يريدُ مواصليه صدودَه
وغدا يُجيدُ رثاءَهُ مُدّاحُهُ

13. Yet morning found his eulogizer lamenting him.
He suffered a wound that will not heal

١٣. ولي بكسر لا يُرَجّى جَبْرُهُ
وبقَرْح قَلْبٍ لا تُبِلُّ جراحُهُ

14. And a heartache whose injuries will not mend.
He escaped to Aleppo, and from Aleppo refuge,

١٤. ونجا إلى حلبٍ ومن حَلَبٍ الرَّدى
دَر وفيه نجاتُهُ وفَلاحُهُ

15. He who enters it will succeed and thrive.
If the sinners corrupted the religion with their sins,

١٥. إن أَفْسَدَ الدِّينَ العصاةُ بحِنْثِهمْ
فالنّاصرُ المَلكُ الصلاحُ صَلاحُهُ

16. Then the victorious king, the righteous one, will restore it.
The enemy rejoiced when you faced him with your army,

١٦. فَرِحَ العدوُّ بجمعهِ ولقيتَهُ
فتحوّلَتْ أحزانُهُ أَفراحُهُ

17. Yet his joy turned into sorrow.
His arrogance was shattered by the blows of swords,

١٧. صَحّتْ على ضربِ الكُماةِ كُسورهُ
وتكسّرَتْ عند الطِّعانِ صِحاحُهُ

18. And his resolutions cracked at the thrusts of spears.
You set free a horse for the critics, and it was

١٨. وافى بسَرْحٍ للنَّقادِ فكانَ في
لُقيا الأُسودِ الضّارياتِ سَراحهُ

19. Like releasing a zebra amongst vicious lions.
A raging sea whose horsemen are sharks,

١٩. مَجْرٌ كبحرٍ دارِعو فرسانه
حيتانُهُ وزعيمُهُم تِمساحُهُ

20. And their leader a ferocious crocodile.
Its waves tossed the pearls of his ships

٢٠. شَحْناؤهُ شَحَنَتْ جواريَ فُلْكهِ
جَوْراً ومالَ بهُلكهِ مَلاَّحُهُ

21. Ruthlessly, and its sailor led it astray.
They lacked triumphant men, so adversity came at them

٢١. عَدِموا الفلاحَ من الرِّجالِ فجاءَهم
من كلِّ صوبٍ مُكْرَهاً فلاّحُهُ

22. From all directions, and failure overwhelmed them.
For they are a people of farming, not war,

٢٢. فهمُ لحرثٍ لا لحربٍ حزْبُهمْ
أَيثيرُ قُرْحاً من يثارُ قَراحهُ

23. The wounds of the fallen cry louder than their weapons.
The enemy trembled when your armies surged,

٢٣. قد فاظَ لمّا فاضَ جيشُكَ جأْشُهُ
غيظاً وغاضَ لبحركمْ ضَحْضاحهُ

24. And the sea of your forces roared powerfully.
How many racers, their bodies tossed in blood

٢٤. كم سابقٍ برَداهُ يُردَى سابحٍ
من بَحْرِ هُلْكٍ ما نجا سَبّاحُهُ

25. Of a lethal sea - only its swimmer survived!
How many dear eyes were blinded,

٢٥. كم عَيْنِ عَيْنٍ غَوَّرَتْ غوّارُهُ
وقليبِ قَلْبٍ عَوَّرَتْ متّاحُهُ

26. And ardent hearts were made bitter!
The stench of their dead heralded your victory,

٢٦. إنء آذنتْ بالنتنِ ريحُ قتيلهم
فالنّصر نفّاحُ الشَّذا فَوّاحُهُ

27. Which blew the blossoms of joy.
How many deserters, their blood spilt

٢٧. كم مارقٍ من مأزقٍ دَمُهُ على
مَسْحِ الحسامِ مُراقُهُ مسّاحُهُ

28. By the swords, met their deaths as they fled!
They insult you, but if a beauty insults, her joking is charm.

٢٨. يُصبيكَ نَهْدٌ إن سباهُ ناهِدٌ
ولديكَ جدٌّ إن أَباهُ مزاحُهُ

29. You have glory, even if fools deride it.
You have brave warriors to subdue the rebellious,

٢٩. ولكَ الكعوبُ مُقَوَّماتٌ للرَّدى
وله الغَداةَ كَعابُهُ ورَداحُهُ

30. While honoring those who defend their honor.
A garden of yellow and red roses,

٣٠. راحُ النجيعِ بها صحافُ صِفاحكُمْ
مَلأْى وتملأُ كلَّ كاسٍ راحُهُ

31. With blossoms of white adorning its branches.
All swords were unsheathed,

٣١. وتجولُ في صَهَواتِها فرسانُكُمْ
وتدورُ في خَلَواتهِ أَقداحُهُ

32. To slice the necks bound in sheaths.
Their bodies are clad in thick iron,

٣٢. ويروقُهُ الخمرُ الحرامُ وعندكمْ
مما يُراقُ من الدِّماءِ مُباحُهُ

33. Their resolves filled with shining mettle.
Your determination to destroy them, by God's will, succeeded -

٣٣. ضَرْبُ الطُّلَى بالمشرفيِّ طِلابُكُمْ
وبراح مَنْ شربَ الطِّلا طُلاّحُهُ

34. As you have witnessed its triumph.
I imagine myself by the farthest shore,

٣٤. محمرُّ خدِّ صقيلةٍ تُفّاحُكمْ
وأَسيلُ خدِّ عقيلةٍ تُفّاحُهُ

35. As its waves wash the blood of Franks.
So cross the Euphrates against those people, and make them drink

٣٥. للهِ جيشٌ بالمروجِ عرضتَهُ
أُسدُ العرين رجالُهُ ورماحُهُ

36. The bitter death - its pails are full.
Free, quickly, the captives from their hands,

٣٦. ومن الحديدِ سوابغاً أَبدانُهُ
ومن المضاءِ عزائماً أَرواحُهُ

37. Before night falls upon them.
And save Harran, for within it

٣٧. وله فوارسُ بالنُّفوسِ سَمَاحُها
أَتُعادُ بالعِرْضِ المصونِ شحاحُهُ

38. Are so many burning hearts longing for you.
Rescue the towns from affliction through your justice,

٣٨. روضٌ من الصُّفْرِ البنودُ وحُمرِها
والبيضِ يُزهي وردُهُ وأَقاحُهُ

39. For oppression in all quarters has perished.
And conquer any obstinate strongholds,

٣٩. من كلِّ ماضي الحدِّ طَلَّقَ غمْدَهُ
فَتْكاً لأَغمادِ الرِّقابِ نِكاحُهُ

40. For your Lord will facilitate it for you.
Tell the people of faith to rejoice,

٤٠. قد كان عزمُكَ للإلهِ مُصَمِّماً
فيهمْ فلاحَ كما رأَيتَ فَلاحُهُ

41. For the pillar of their faith was erected by its adherents.
Give glad tidings, for Islam has gained

٤١. وكأَنّني بالساحلِ الأَقصى وقد
ساحَتْ ببحرِ دم الفرنجةِ ساحُهُ

42. A sultan that comforts and reassures all hearts.
A king whose right hand grants security

٤٢. فاعبُر إلى القومِ الفراتَ ليشربوا ال
موتَ الأُجاجَ فقد طَما طَفّاحُهُ

43. And spreads prosperity to all who seek refuge.
When his men showed such hope,

٤٣. لتفُكَّ من أيديهمُ رَهْنَ الرُّها
عجلاً ويدركَ لَيْلَها إصباحُهُ

44. His magnanimity poured like rain from the sky.
So visit his honorable abode,

٤٤. وابغوا لحرّانَ الخلاصَ فكم بها
حرّانُ قلبٍ نحوكم مُلتاحُهُ

45. For in his sanctuary, is rest on days of audience.
A king who rules what his ancestors ruled,

٤٥. نَجُّوا البلادَ من البلاءِ بعدلكم
فالظلمُ بادٍ في الجميعِ صُراحُهُ

46. So glory remains glory and refuge remains refuge.
A king who loves to pardon his enemies,

٤٦. واسْتَفْتحوا ما كان من مُستَغْلقٍ
فيها فربُّكُم لكمْ فَتّاحُهُ

47. Thus he overlooks the sins of those who opposed him.
You have a house of eternal glory -

٤٧. قُولوا لأَهلِ الدينِ قَرُّوا أَعيناً
فلقد أَقامَ عَمُودَهُ سَفّاحُهُ

48. Measurers cannot gauge the breadth of its chambers.
Were it not for your magnanimity, I would call it

٤٨. بشرايَ فالإسلامُ من سلطانهِ
جَذِلُ الفؤادِ بنصره مُرتاحُهُ

49. A waist, with the visiting delegations as its belt.
You are the kings of our time, its elite,

٤٩. مَلكٌ ليُمنِ المعتفينَ يمينُهُ
ولراحةِ الراجينَ تُبْسَطُ راحُهُ

50. Its nobility, magnates, and eloquent speakers.
Its grandees, its prominent ones, its virtuous ones,

٥٠. لما اجتداهُ من الرَّجاءِ رجالُهُ
أَوْفَى على قَطْرِ السّماءِ سَماحُهُ

51. Its wise ones, its firm ones, and its shining lights.
Its moons, its suns, its stars,

٥١. فاقصدْ بِبَرْجِ الفقرِ رَحْبَ جَنابهِ
فبِراحِهِ يومَ النّوالِ بَراحُهُ

52. Its seas, its mountains, and its dunes.
You are the men of the age - indeed its horsemen.

٥٢. مَلكٌ تَملّكَ جَدُّهُ من جِدِّهِ
فالمجدُ مَجْدٌ والمَراحُ مِراحُهُ

53. And the reckless souls are your racing steeds.
Its warriors, its ascetics, its knights,

٥٣. ملكٌ يُحبُّ الصفحَ عن أعدائه
فلذاكَ تَصفَحُ عن عِداهُ صِفاحهُ

54. Its fierce ones, its defenders, and its staunch heroes.
And Abu al-Muzaffar Yusuf is its food,

٥٤. لكَ بيتُ مجدٍ ليس يُدْرَكُ حَدُّهُ
يعيا بذرعِ عُروُضهِ مَسّاحُهُ

55. Its nourishment, its bold leader, its ferocious attacker.
When he attends a gathering, greet him graciously,

٥٥. المُلْكُ غابٌ أَنتمُ أَشبالُهُ
والدينُ رُوحٌ أَنتمُ أَشباحُهُ

56. But when he raids on a campaign, flee from his assault.
You were forgiving when you ruled,

٥٦. ما شَرْحُ صَدْرِ الشّرْعِ إلا منكمُ
ولذاكَ منكُمْ للهدى إيضاحُهُ

57. For the generous are hopeful of pardon.
You are the kings of our time, its pinnacle,

٥٧. فخراً بني أَيوبَ إنَّ محلَّكُمْ
ضاقتْ على كلِّ الملوكِ فِساحُهُ

58. Its nobles, its pillars, and its eloquent speakers.
Its grandees, its chiefs, its meritorious ones,

٥٨. لولا اتساعُ جنابكم لعَدَدْتهُ
خصْراً وفودُ المعتفينَ وِشاحُهُ

59. Its intellectuals, its firm ones, and its shining lights.
You are its moons, its suns, its stars,

٥٩. أَنتمْ ملوكُ زماننا وسَراتُهُ
وكِرامهُ وعظامُهُ وفصاحُهُ

60. Its oceans, its mountains, and its dunes.
You are the stalwarts of the age - indeed its horsemen,

٦٠. عظماؤهُ كبراؤهُ فضلاؤهُ
ورِزانُهُ ورِصانهُ وصِباحُهُ

61. While the rash souls are your racing steeds.
Its warriors, its devoted ones, its knights,

٦١. أقمارُهُ وشموسُهُ ونجومُهُ
وبحارُهُ وجبالُهُ وبطاحُهُ

62. Its fierce ones, its defenders, and its staunch heroes.

٦٢. أنتم رجالُ الدَّهرِ بل فرسانُه
ولذي الحلومِ الطائشاتِ رِجاحُهُ