
The unjust Aadid died, and none

توفي العاضد العي فما

1. The unjust Aadid died, and none
Who innovates in Egypt speaks again.

١. تُوفي العاضدُ الَّعيُّ فما
يفتحُ ذو بدعةٍ بمصر فما

2. Its Pharaoh's age has passed away,
Its Joseph now controls affairs.

٢. وعصرُ فرعونها انقضى وغَدا
يوسُفُها في الأَمورِ محتكما

3. The embers of the miscreants are doused,
All that was kindled of idolatry is quenched.

٣. وانطفأَتْ جمرةُ الغواةِ وقد
باحَ من الشِّركِ كلّ ما اضطرما

4. The unity of righteousness coheres again
And the necklace of integrity is restrung.

٤. وصارَ شملُ الصّلاحِ مُلتئماً
بها وعِقدُ السَّدادِ مُنتظما

5. When the banner of truth was raised openly
By the Abbasids, falsehood hid itself away.

٥. لما غدا مُعلناً شعارُ بني ال
عبّاسِ حقّاً والباطل اكتتما

6. The caller to monotheism emerged victorious
And took vengeance on the idolators .

٦. وباتَ داعي التّوحيد منتصراً
ومِنْ دُعاةِ الإشراكِ مُنتقما

7. The misguided remained in darknesses
Of bewilderment and blindness all the more.

٧. وظلَّ أَهلُ الضَّلالِ في ظللٍ
داجيةٍ من غيابةٍ وعَمَى

8. The ignorant were lost in endless night
When the minbars of knowledge shone their light.

٨. وارتبكَ الجاهلونَ في ظُلَمٍ
لما أَضاءَتْ منابرُ العُلما

9. The edifice of truth, once ruined, stands again,
Rebuilt by the enlightened with diligent hands.

٩. وعادَ بالمستضيءِ مجتهداً
بناءُ حقٍ قد كانَ مُنهدما

10. The state that persecuted now staggers and reels,
And the faith prevails after being crushed.

١٠. واعتلتِ الدولةُ التي اضطهدتْ
وانتصرَ الدِّينُ بعد ما اهُتضما

11. The bosom of Islam shakes off its melancholy
And the grin of faith grows wide with smiles.

١١. واهتزَّ عِطفُ الإسلامِ من جَذَلٍ
وافترَّ ثغرُ الإيمان وابتسما

12. The faces of guidance are lit up with joy -
So let unbelief knock out its teeth in regret!

١٢. واستبشرتْ أَوجهُ الهُدى فَرَحاً
فليقرعِ الكفرُ سنَّهُ نَدَما

13. The sanctuary of enemies lies breached,
Its booty divided among the victors.

١٣. عادَ حريمُ الأَعداءِ مُنتهكَ ال
حمى وفيءُ الطُّغاةِ مُقتَسَما

14. The palaces of the arrogant are destroyed
By the perfect man whose abode is glorious.

١٤. قصورُ أَهلِ القصورِ أَخربها
عامرُ بيتٍ من الكمالِ سَما

15. He disturbed its tranquil dwellers after peace
And it died disgraced with its nose rubbed in the dirt.

١٥. أَزعجَ بعدَ السُّكونِ ساكنَها
وماتَ ذُلاً وأَنفُهُ رُغِمَا