1. The road to Egypt is a narrow path
Whoever walks it, no doubt, walks to ruin
١. طريقُ مصر ضيّق المسلكِ
سالكُهُ لا شكَّ في مهلكِ
2. And love of Egypt has become a chasm for one
Whom it has dropped into the trap of yearning
٢. وحبُّ مصر صار جُبّاً لمن
أَوقَعَهُ في شبكِ الشَّوْبَكِ
3. Yet, without her, there is a Kaaba
Inaccessible, blessed of pilgrimage
٣. لكنَّما منْ دُونها كعبةٌ
محجوجةٌ مبرورةُ المنسكِ
4. In it Salah al-Din is complained to
Since his days he has been complained of
٤. بها صلاحُ الدِّين يُشكى الذي
إليه من أَيامهِ يشتكي