
Perhaps the star of faith, the virtuous one

لعل نجم الدين ذا الفضل

1. Perhaps the star of faith, the virtuous one
Will remind the noble one busy with my affairs

١. لعّلَ نجمَ الدِّين ذا الفضل
يُذكِّرُ الفاضلَ في شغلي

2. Indeed the most esteemed of people, a young man
Labors with his grace for my sake

٢. إنَّ أَجلَّ النّاسِ قدراً فتىً
بفضلهِ يتعبُ من أَجلي

3. And the like of him who cares for the sublime
And continues praise from the like of me

٣. ومثلُهُ مَنْ يعتني بالعُلى
ويستديمُ الحمدَ من مثلي