1. His purpose is to disobey passion yet obey it
By your passion! I cannot do this
١. مقصودُهُ أَعصي الهوى وأُطيعُهُ
هذا لعمرُ هواكَ لا أستطيعُهُ
2. My hearing is deaf to blame and its blamer
Why then does its rebuke knock at my hearing?
٢. سمعي أَصَمُّ عن العذولِ وعذله
فعلامَ يقرعُ مسمعي تقريعُهُ
3. Strife has overcome my patience towards beauty
While my heart is an overpowered prisoner stripped of will
٣. غلبَ النّزاعُ إلى الحسانِ تجلُّدي
والقلبُ مغلوبُ العزا منزوعُهُ
4. Do not blame except a reproacher who is uncontrollable
His inclination to strife cannot be curbed
٤. لا تنزِعَنَّ إلا ملامِ متيَّمٍ
لا يستتبُّ عن النّزاعِ نزوعُهُ
5. The saltiness of the fresh saliva makes it delicious
While the saltiness of the briny makes it repugnant
٥. وملاحةُ الرشأِ المليحِ تروقُهُ
وملامةُ اللاحي الملحِّ تروعُهُ
6. Oh his might! If his might did not strengthen him
Oh his humiliation! If his tears did not help him
٦. يا عزَهُ لو لم يعزُّ عزاؤه
يا ذلّهُ إنْ لم تُعنه دموعُهُ
7. In my darling she has a sweet nature and charm
But she has a repulsive aloofness and disdain
٧. وبمهجتي حلو الشّمائلِ عذبُها
لكنّه مُرُّ الصُّدودِ شنيعُهُ
8. The wine of youth intoxicates my heart with joy
Helpless, overcome with passion, drunk
٨. نشوانُ من خمرِ الصبا قلبي به
أَفديهِ مخمورُ الغرامِ صريعُهُ
9. A branch leaning and straightening on an emerald surface
As if it disobeys it when it obeys it
٩. غصن على حقفٍ يميلُ ويستوي
فكأَنّما يعصيهِ حينَ يطيعُهُ
10. Bored, yet in the heart of a lover is its equal
A moon, though in the night of estrangement is its rising
١٠. رئمٌ وفي قلبِ المحبِّ كناسُهُ
قمرٌ وفي ليلِ العذارِ طلوعُه
11. As if his lover's heart is his fiefdom
As if his darling's handwriting is her signature
١١. وكأَنَّ قلبَ محبِّه إقطاعُهُ
وكأَنَّ خطَّ عذارهِ توقيعُهُ
12. His lover is wounded by the arrows of her glances
The writhing of his cheek excused by her twisting
١٢. مساوبُ سهمِ اللّحظِ منه محبُّه
ملسوبُ عقربِ صدغهِ ملسوغُهُ
13. By God, I have a life on credit that I lived
And my days are not dispersed but gathered
١٣. للهِ عيشٌ بالحمى أَسلفته
والشّملُ غير مفرَّقٍ مجموعُهُ
14. Days have passed in youth and its cups
In us, and its joys oozed with bliss
١٤. أَيامَ دارتْ للشّبابِ كؤوسُهُ
فينا ودرَّتْ بالسُّرورِ ضروعُهُ
15. I lived its covenants in the bosoms of intimacy
And its meadows flourished in the lights of Spring
١٥. رويتْ بأَنواءِ العهادِ عهودُهُ
وزهتْ بأَنوارِ الرَّبيعِ ربوعُهُ
16. Can I return to days gone by?
Alas! I cannot hope for their return
١٦. أَفراجعٌ ما مرَّ من أَيامهِ
هيهاتَ لا يُرجى إليَّ رجوعُهُ
17. My love remains constant with misfortunes
To bid farewell to my heart's company is to bid it farewell
١٧. وجدي مقيمٌ ما يزالُ بظاعنٍ
توديعُ قلبي أُنسه توديعُهُ
18. I entrust the guarding of my darling's affection
For the angel cannot lose what he possesses
١٨. مُلاَّكُ مهجتهِ عليكم حفظها
فالملكُ ليس لمالكٍ تضييعُهُ
19. Do not ascribe my heart to me, for it
Is yours, and in you are its wounds and brokenness
١٩. لا تنسبوا قلبي إليَّ فإنّه
لكمُ وفيكمْ جرحُهُ وصدوعُهُ
20. In Yusuf the Rescuer, son of the Chaser
The religion of guidance, sublime pillar, lofty is its aspiration
٢٠. وبيوسفِ المستنجدِ بنِ المقتفي
دينُ الهدى سامي العمادِ رفيعُهُ
21. Covered in the gown of pride, pure of soul
Towering the light of humanity, fertile are its meadows
٢١. ضافي رداء الفخرِ صافٍ روحه
نامي ضياءِ البشرِ زاكٍ رُوعُهُ
22. My state with hearts is chaste and pious
To God yearns what my ribs contain
٢٢. حالي الضَّمائر بالعَفافِ وبالتُقى
للهِ ما تحنو عليه ضلوعُهُ
23. Red is the blade of victory on the day of battle
Dusted white is the giver of gifts, abundant are its gifts
٢٣. محمرُّ نصلِ النّصرِ في يومِ الوغى ال
مغبرِّ مبيضُّ العطاءِ نصوعُهُ
24. In peace but what belongs to him and his enemy
Both are fearful in either case
٢٤. في الأَمن إلا ماله وعدوّه
فكلاهما في الحالتينِ مروعُهُ
25. To God belongs a Hashimite core, pure
Its branches have flourished and towered in nobility
٢٥. للّهِ أَصلٌ هاشميٌّ طاهرٌ
طابتْ وطالتْ في العلاءِ فروعُهُ
26. To you belongs attainment, protection, and formidable might
For you are the bane of the times, fertile its meadows
٢٦. لكَ نائلٌ محيٍ وبأسٌ مهلكٌ
فلأَنت ضرّار الزَّمان نضوعه
27. O best of caliphs, the request of a content man
With your approval, though modesty does not reveal his contentment
٢٧. يا أَفضلَ الخلفاءِ دعوةَ قانعٍ
برضاكَ ما كشف القناع قنوعُهُ
28. Can one like me in your time be lost?
Never my master, you will not forsake him
٢٨. أَيكونُ مثلي في زمانكَ ضائعاً
هيهاتَ يا مولايَ لستَ تضيعُهُ
29. Entrust me with a favor that I may spread
For the best one to entrust is you, its spreader
٢٩. أَودعْ جميلاً لي أُذعْهُ فخيرُ مَنْ
أَوْدَعْتَهُ منكَ الجميلَ مذيعُهُ
30. The hopeful considers his purpose accomplished
If to you is his hope an intercessor
٣٠. حسبُ المؤمِّل منجحاً في قصدهِ
أَن الرَّجاءَ إلى نداكَ شفيعُهُ