
Your descent in Manbij

نزولك في منبج

1. Your descent in Manbij
On the delightful victory

١. نزولُك في منبجِ
على الظّفَر المُبهجِ

2. And your success in what you desire
And your conquest of the coveted

٢. ونُجحُكَ في المرتَجى
وفتحُكَ للمرتَجِ

3. Is evidence of everything
You are trying or aspiring to

٣. دليلٌ على كلِّ ما
تحاولُ أو تَرْتَجي

4. Your affairs are clear
In what you show

٤. أُمورك فيما ترو
مُ واضحةُ المنهج

5. And your stature is eternally high
No misery can bring you down

٥. وشانيك دامي الشؤو
نِ منكَ شقيٌّ شجي

6. He who was in his fortress
And previously did not go out

٦. ومَنْ كان في حصنهِ
ومن قَبْلُ لم يَخْرُجِ

7. It is said to him arise, come out and mix
For your perspective descends like

٧. يُقالُ له ليس ذا
بعُشَّكَ قمْ فادرُجِ

8. Stars from the mansions
So hurry crossing the expanses

٨. فرأْيُك يتنزلُ الن
جوم من الأَبرج

9. And travel, move stealthily and blend in
And head towards those countries

٩. فعجِّلْ عبورَ الفرا
تِ وأَسْرِ وسِرْ وأدلجِ

10. And away from others, detour
For Hirran and Raqqah have followed

١٠. وَعُجْ نحوَ تلكَ البلا
دِ وعن غيرِها عَرِّجِ

11. Manbij as night follows day
And the night of the Muslims has departed

١١. فحرّانُ والرَّقَتا
ن تاليتا منبجِ

١٢. وجَلَّ عن المسلمي
نَ ليلَهم المدَّجي