
You are to Mahmoud like the family of Muhammad,

أنتم لمحمود كآل محمد

1. You are to Mahmoud like the family of Muhammad,
Alike in deeds and names,

١. أَنتم لمحمودٍ كآلِ محمدٍ
متصادفي الأفعالِ والأسماءِ

2. Abu Bakr is succeeded in his virtues,
Umar is praised for his years and glory,

٢. يتلو أَبا بكرٍ على حسناته
عمرُ الممدَّحُ في سناً وسناءِ

3. Followed by Uthman, hoped for the highest place,
And Ali, expected during hardships,

٣. ويليهِ عثمانُ المُرجّى للعُلى
وعليٌّ المأمولُ في الأْواءِ

4. Al-Hasan, glorified, accepted their glory,
As they were benevolent and generous,

٤. وتقبل الحسن الممجّد مجدهُم
فهمُ ذوو الإحسانِ والنّعماءِ

5. For the glory of the faith his brothers branched out,
Below the world in glory and sublimity,

٥. فرعتْ لمجد الدين إخوته الذُّرا
دون الورى في المجدِ والعلياءِ

6. From an open-handed predecessor and a sun that gives him nobility,
Honor and a bright full moon and splendor,

٦. مِن سابقٍ كرماً وشمسٍ ساده
شرفاً وبدرِ دُجنّةٍ وبهاءِ

7. The lamp of guidance drew clouds of favors,
The lion of wars, the lamps of turmoil.

٧. سُرُجُ الهدى سحب لنّدى شهبُ النُّهى
أُسْدُ الحروبِ ضراغمُ الهيجاءِ