
May God forgive you, O people!

عفا الله عنكم ما لكم أيها الرهط

1. May God forgive you, O people!
You have wronged me, though my heart bore love for you.

١. عفا اللهُ عنكم ما لكم أَيُّها الرَّهطُ
قسطتمْ ومن قلب المحبِّ لكم قسْطُ

2. You stipulated loyalty, yet betrayed me.
Your affection was not what loyalty and covenant dictate.

٢. شرطتمْ له حفظَ الودادِ وخُنْتُمُ
حنانيكمُ ما هكذا الوُدُّ والشَّرْطُ

3. You made the smitten heart a receptacle for your troubles -
Unburden yourselves of your worries upon it!

٣. جعلتم فؤادَ المستهامِ بكم لكمْ
مَحَطاً فعنه ثقْلَ هَمِّكُمُ حُطُّوا

4. When you dwelt in the heart and home, the loved ones'
Distance and estrangement seemed wrong and separation, a sin.

٤. إذا كنتمُ في القلبِ والدارُ قد نأَتْ
فسيّانِ مِنْ أَحبابهِ القربُ والشَّحْطُ

5. His worries remained when passion remained with him,
Lingering, though patience on the verge of collapse.

٥. ثوى هَمُّهُ لما ثَوَى الوجدُ عنده
مقيماً وشطَّ الصّبرُ في جيرةٍ شَطُّوا

6. A specter that veiled him with night's darkness
And almost burst open the bosom of night at dawn.

٦. وأَرَّقَهُ طيفٌ طَوَى نحه الدُّجَى
وقد كادَ جيبُ الليلِ بالصُّبحِ يَنْعَطُّ

7. You ignored him, though passionate for your love,
As if being content with your lover were a sin!

٧. تشاغلتمُ عنه وشوقاً بودِّهِ
كأنّ رضاكم عن محبكمُ سُخْطُ

8. I despaired the morning after despairing, when you left,
and that abandonment cast me out from among you.

٨. جزعتُ غداةَ الجزْعِ لمّا رحلتمُ
وأَسْقطني من بينكمْ ذلكَ السِّقطُ

9. You possessed, then denied, my longtime devotion -
As if no intimacy had ever existed between us!

٩. ملكتمْ فأنكرتمْ قديمَ مودَّتي
كأنْ لم يكن في البينِ معرفةٌ قَطُّ

10. My soul ransoms those who do not disparage my soul,
When it contends with them, though they insist on wronging me.

١٠. فَدَتْ مهجتي مَنْ لا يُذَمُّ لمهجتي
إذا حاكَمتْهُ وهو في الحُكْمِ مُشْتطُّ

11. His smile hides the distraction of a tender kiss,
As if the author of such pearls were natural simplicity.

١١. يُريكَ ابتساماً عن شتيتِ مُقَبَّلٍ
كَأنَّ نظيمَ الدرِّ أَلّفَهُ السِّمْطُ

12. Before the might of his glances assailed me,
I knew not one so weak and frail could be so mighty.

١٢. وما كنتُ أَدري قبل سطوةِ طرفهِ
بأَنَّ ضعيفاً فاتراً مثْلَهُ يَسْطو

13. Were earrings hanging from his ears for the sin of passion,
My heart would hang for that sin, not the earrings.

١٣. وهبْ أَنَّ بالقُرْطينِ منه مُعَلّقٌ
لذنبِ الهوى قلبي فَلمْ عُلِّقَ القُرْطُ

14. The waist that inspires pity by its delicate form
Bears a belt binding hearts, not clothes, around it.

١٤. وأَهيفَ للإشفاقِ من ضعفِ خصرهِ
محلُّ نطاقٍ للقلوبِ بهِ رَبْطُ

15. For his lips and hair, he is envied
By the cheeks' freshness and the comb's order.

١٥. على قُربهِ في الحالتين مُحَسّدٌ
من الثّغرِ والشّعْرِ الأَراكةُ والمشطُ

16. The light of wine radiates from his shining cheeks,
While joy plays on his mouth and white teeth gleam within.

١٦. بوجنتهِ نورُ المُدامةِ مُشْرِقٌ
ومقلته نَشْوَى وفي فيه إسْفَنْطُ

17. The script of his beauty adorns his smooth cheeks,
And moles upon his cheeks serve as its diacritics.

١٧. تزينُ عِذاريه كتابةُ حُسنهِ
ومن خاله في وجنتيه لها نَقْطُ

18. My heart, O intimate friend, is an empty page; do not blame
A heart whose void the mole, the cheek, and the line fill!

١٨. فؤادكَ خالٍ يا خليلي فلا تَلُمْ
فؤاداً سباه الخالُ والخدُّ والخَطُّ

19. In passion, clutching holds my heart constantly,
As the grasping of the victorious king's hand holds might.

١٩. يلازمُ قلبي في الهوى القبضُ مثلما
يلازمُ كفَّ النّاصرِ الملكِ البَسْطُ

20. A sovereign who governs barren rule with his grip,
Noble, though no wealth fills his hands or is grasped.

٢٠. مليكٌ حوى الملكَ العقيمَ بضبطه
كريمٌ وما للمالِ في يدهِ ضَبْطُ

21. The lord of the royal court protected his person
As the pupil's center protects the human being's sight.

٢١. ومولى سريرُ الملكِ حفَّ بشخصهِ
كما حفَّ بالإنسانِ من ناظرٍ وسْطُ

22. A sovereign whose star of success rose from the horizon of glory -
Fortune's bird nests only in his refuge in good times or in want.

٢٢. مليكٌ لنجمِ النُّجحِ من أُفْقِ عزِّهِ
سناً ولطيرِ السّعْدِ في وكرِهِ قَحْطُ

23. When the hands of kings are kissed, then by his hands
The outstretching of eras pay him homage and kiss the palm.

٢٣. إذا لُثمَتْ أيدي الملوكِ فعندَهُ
مدى الدَّهرِ إجلالاً له تَلْثمُ البُسطُ

24. The slumber of subjects and their tranquil dreams -
When they fall asleep dreaming of hopes - is veiled by his vigilance.

٢٤. لنومِ الرَّعايا وادعين سهادُهُ
إذا وادِعوا الأملاك في نومهم غَطُّوا

25. The palms of the era's greatest kings cannot compare,
For the palm of the victorious king is the sea, not a small pond!

٢٥. أَكفُّ ملوكِ العصر لا وَكْفَ عندها
وكفُّ المليكِ النّاصرِ البحرُ لا الوقطُ

26. His gifts are ready money, not promises - all of them -
He does not delay, promising later payment or installment.

٢٦. عطايا نقودٌ لا نَسايا فكلُّها
تُعَجِّلُ لا وعدٌ هناك ولا قَسْطُ

27. The ugliest poverty by his spending is beautiful,
Just as the emptiest want has meaning through his generosity.

٢٧. أغرُّ لكفِّ الكفرِ كفٌّ ببأسهِ
كما لفقارِ الفَقرِ من جوده وَهْطُ

28. His hands pour without tiring, and his favor is a flood
With no ebb - it knows nolimits or shores.

٢٨. أياديهِ غرٌّ وهيَ غيرُ مُغِبَة
وإحسانهُ غَمْرٌ وليس له غَمْطُ

29. He loves the clamor of those who thank, when they pray,
And desires the request of those confessing, when they petition.

٢٩. يحب ضجيجَ الشّاكرين إذا دَعَوا
ويهوى سؤال المعتفين إذا أطوا

30. The fragrance of chivalry and fairness emanates from him,
Not hypocrisy, pretense, or fraud.

٣٠. ويَعْبَقُ عَرْفُ العُرفِ والقِسط عندهُ
ونَدُّ النّدَى لا البانُ والرَّندُ والقسطُ

31. When ignoramuses call him, he is slow to respond,
But when the noble call him, he does not delay.

٣١. إلى طوله المعروفِ طولُ يدِ الرَّجا
وفي بحرِ جدواه لآمالنا غَطُّ

32. They sucked the teat ofvileness in their cradles -
Glories, though the layers of their ignobility are thick.

٣٢. صنائعُهُ رُبْطُ الكرامِ وإنّها
لوفد أَياديهِ المصانعُ والرُّبْطُ

33. They pour their arrows however they want,
Never missing the flattering sycophants they target.

٣٣. يَمُرُّ ويحلو حالةَ السُّخطِ والرِّضا
فنعمتُه دأبٌ ونقمتهُ فَرْطُ

34. When able, they forgive; when they make promises, they keep them;
When they give, they enrich; when asked, they give.

٣٤. من القومِ تلقاهم عن النكرِ إن دُعوا
بطاءً وإن يُدْعَوا إلى العُرفِ لا يُبْطُوا

35. Those who seek their doors attain their aims;
While those with other intents go astray in their quests.

٣٥. هم رَضَعوا دَرَّ الحجَى في مهودهمْ
أَماجدُ وانضمتْ على السؤددِ القُمْطُ

36. Happy the rule whose gates horses bear
The sons of hope every dawn, trotting without stop.

٣٦. يصبون فيما يقصدون فكم رَمَوا
بسهم الثّراءِ المملقين فلم يُخطوا

37. No garden rivals in beauty, as though
Its foliage were woven by its shimmering streams.

٣٧. متى يَقدِروا ويَعفوا وإن يعدوا يَفوا
وإن يبذُلوا يَغْنوا وإن يسألُوا يُعطوا

38. When one with brilliant cheeks leads me to the vivid narcissus,
Followed by a tender sprig of lilac plucked.

٣٨. يصيبُ الذي يصبو إلى قصدِ بابهم
في غيرِ هذا القصدِ يُخْطِي الذي يخْطُو

39. Next, a cheek blushing with coyness like a rose,
And the throat of eternity, forever flowing.

٣٩. وما أَسعدَ المَلْكَ الذي نحوَ بابهِ
مطايا بأَبناءِ الرَّجاءِ غدتْ تَمْطوا

40. The trees line up as if verses in a book,
With the stream as its diacritics.

٤٠. وما روضةٌ غناءُ حُسْناً كأنّما
لوارفها من نَسْج نُوّارِها مِرْطُ

41. The leaves sing upon their branches,
As the tribes chant the Torah's melodies.

٤١. إذا قادني للنرجسِ النّضرِ ناضرٌ
تلاهُ عذارٌ للبنفسج مُخْتَطُّ

42. The falling dew like tears of a passionate lover,
And its droplets sparks of fiery anguish.

٤٢. وللوردِ خدُّ للحياءِ مُوَرَّدٌ
وللبانِ قَدٌ جيدُهُ أَبداً يَعْطو

43. You see the sun's shame behind the veil of vapor;
No barrier as modest lowers around it.

٤٣. تلوحُ به الأشجارُ صَفّاً كأنّها
سطورُ كتابٍ والغديرُ لها كَشْطُ

44. More beautiful and intelligent than you - though in truth
My pride in you, not the garden, brings good fortune.

٤٤. تُغَنِّي على أَعوادِها الوُرْقُ مِثْلَما
يرتِّلُ للتوراةِ أَلحانَها سِبْطُ

45. Yours are the vast chest and outstretched hand in eminence,
And that open cheek and thick sidelock in childhood.

٤٥. كأنَّ سقيط الطلِّ عبرةُ مغرمٍ
وبارقَةُ من نارِ لوعته سِقْطُ

46. For your admirer, the water of joy and dew -
While the envier gets the fire and smoke.

٤٦. ترى لمُحيّا الشمسِ من هامرِ الحيا
لثامِ حياءٍ دونه ليس ينحَطُّ

47. You effortlessly attained the flooding of Egypt and Tigris,
Iraq bent in obedience, and Arab and foreigner submitted.

٤٧. بأزكى وأَذكى منكَ حُسْناً وإنّما
بحسناكَ لا بالرَّوضِ للعائذِ الغَبْطُ

48. The Nile has one channel reaching its estuary,
While your Nile floods those hopeful without coast or shore.

٤٨. لكَ الصدرُ والباعُ الرَّحيبان في العلى
وذاكَ المحيا الطلقُ والأنملُ السُّبْطُ

49. Your pardon is a meadow, and heaven its gardens;
Your white is a thorn in the hands of foes drawing their blood.

٤٩. لراجيكمُ ماءُ البشاشة والنّدَى
جميعاً وحظُّ الحاسد النارُ والنّفطُ

50. Your enemy is like a candle in the fire of his hatred -
Reforming his twisted neck is cutting it off.

٥٠. عَنالكَ طوعاً نيلُ مصرٍ ودجلةُ ال
عراقِ ودانَ العُرْبُ والعُجْمُ والقِبْطُ

51. Ransoming you, of endless generosity, is one concealed
Behind a veil of deprivation - your giving is his release.

٥١. وللنيل شطٌّ ينتهي سيبهُ به
ونَيْلُكَ للراجينَ نِيلٌ ولا شَطُّ

52. Ransoming you, a people of generosity and bounty -
Their faces arrows, and their arrowheads well-honed.

٥٢. وعفوكَ وَرْدٌ والجناةُ جُناتُهُ
وبيضُكَ شوكٌ في العداةِ لها خَرْطُ

53. The enemy's eye will shed blood, for there flowed
On earth from his veins his darkened gore.

٥٣. عدوُّكَ مثلُ الشّمعِ في نارِ حقدهِ
له عنقٌ إصلاحُ فاسدِه القَطُّ

54. You defended the sanctity of Islam for victory,
Giving on the morrow, while only the ravenous wolves gathered.

٥٤. فداؤكَ ممتدُّ المِطالِ مُحجّبٌ
وحاجبُهُ للكُبرِ والعُجْبِ مُمْتَطُّ

55. You reconciled and relieved many sorrows for us
With the arrows of misfortune in the noble drawing blood.

٥٥. فداؤكَ قومٌ في النّديِّ وفي النّدَى
وجوههم سُهْمٌ وأَسهمهم مُرْطُ

56. With your return the truth returned and guidance cleared,
The breeze of triumph blew, and tightness eased.

٥٦. لتبكِ دماً عينُ العدو فقد جرى
على الأرضِ من أَوداجهِ دَمُهُ العَبْطُ

57. You rescued Syria from its ominous neighbor;
The infidels' horde did not stop until they betrayed loyalty.

٥٧. منعتَ حمى الإسلامِ للنصرِ معطياً
غداةَ عوتْ من دونهِ الأذؤبُ المُعْطُ

58. You rescued when they attacked, drew near when they transgressed,
Forgave when they fell short, and gently spoke when they erred.

٥٨. وصُلْتَ وكم فرَّجْتَ عنّا مُلمّةً
بسهم الرَّزايا في الكرامِ لها لَهْطُ

59. The Master is not troubled by those whose passion
Is misguidance, and those whose army is a rabble of fools.

٥٩. بعودِكَ عادَ الحقُّ واتّضحَ الهدى
وهبَّ نسيمُ النّصرِ وانفرجَ الضّغْطُ

60. Many you count, yet few true - their glory
Is silence, and without guidance, they are a flock of sheep.

٦٠. وأَنتَ أَجَرْتَ الشّامَ من شُؤْمِ جاره
ولم يكفِ رهطُ الكفرِ حتى بغى رهطُ

61. You act without injustice, desire without excess,
Speak without bent, and give without holding back.

٦١. أَجرتَ وقد جاروا ودنتَ وقد عدوا
وصلت وقد خاروا ولنت وقد لطُوا

62. Distinguish the place of the sincere, for only
Some people have confused thoughts in their minds.

٦٢. فلا يعبأ المولى بمن مِلءُ جأشهِ
هوىً وبقومٍ حَشْوُ جيشِهمُ زُطُّ

63. Draw near a loyal friend whose conscience is sound with you,
And do not trust the crocodile whose habit is deceit.

٦٣. كثيرٌ تَعدِيهمْ قليلٌ غَناؤهُمْ
وهمْ ولا أَصابوا رشدَهم هملٌ رَهْطُ

64. The ignorant ones' abode disgusted me; though their
Snakes sharpened fangs to bite me, I pardoned them.

٦٤. عَدلْتَ فلا ظلمٌن وطُلْتَ فلا مدىً
وقُلتَ فلا مَينٌ وجُدتَ فلا قَحطُ

65. They rejected my requests when hopeful and seeking;
Some arrogant, some greedy, some twisted inside.

٦٥. فميِّزْ مكانَ المخلصين فإنّما ال
أَعادي أُناسٌ في رؤُوسهمُ خَلْطُ

66. Though many had cheerful faces from your goodness,
And some still showed you their evil inside.

٦٦. وقرِّب وليّاً صحَّ فيكَ ضميرُهُ
ولا يأمنِ التمساحَ مَنْ دأبُهُ السَّرطُ

67. I exposed my merits without excuse, though the chaste
Fled from a debaucher in whom even serpents are ashamed.

٦٧. نَبا بي مقامُ الجاهلينَ فَعِفْتُهُ
وقد نَضْنَضَتْ للنهش حَيّاتُهُ الرُّقطُ

68. I came to you, throwing glory itself before you,
Casting for the ears necklaces of its pearls picked up.

٦٨. همُ مَنَعوا رِفْدَيْ قبولٍ ونائلٍ
وذا وَشَلٌ بَرضٌ وذا أُكُلٌ خَمطُ

69. Honor me generously and grant me success! I describe
Your beauty - let the envious plotter grieve!

٦٩. وكم مُطْمعٍ في خيره بشرُ وجهه
ومشتملٍ منه على شَرِّهِ الإبْطُ

70. Help me, for the eye of favor is bound
By the shackle of deprivation - only your activity releases it.

٧٠. لأَبدى بلا عذر حظوظَ فضائلي
نفارُ العَذارى من عذارٍ به وَخْطُ

71. And ordain my prestige and appointment, for praising you
Is the recompense that seals our bargain.

٧١. وجئتكَ ألقى العزَّ عندك مُلْقياً
قلائدَ للأَسماعِ من دُرِّها لَقْطُ

72. How long will my time continue to unleash
Its fanged snakes from its bosom, whose venom is ruin?

٧٢. أَعرْني جميلاً واصطنعنيَ واصفُ لي
جميلَكَ حتى يشمتَ الحاسدُ المِلْطُ

73. My hopes' steeds stretched out to you,
So I could ride them to success by your side.

٧٣. أَعنّي فعينُ الفضل عانٍ مُقيَّدٌ
بعُقلةِ حرمانٍ نداكَ لها نَشطُ

74. Remain victorious, O Father of Victories, over enemies -
An ally of acceptance whom failure cannot thwart!

٧٤. وأَوْعزْ بتشريفي ورسمي فإنّهُ
لحمدي جزاءٌ قد تقدَّمَهُ الشّرْطُ

75. You remain while nothing benefits without you,
Bringing fortune, though incapable of rising or descending.

٧٥. إلامَ زماني لا يزالُ مُسَلّطاً
على نابهٍ من أَهلهِ نابُهُ المّلْطُ

76. Had you neighbored the poet al-Ma'arri, he would not have said:
"Let whoever has a neighbor ask the share"- they would not have needed to ask!

٧٦. سَعَتْ نحوكم منّي مطايا مطالبٍ
لأَنْسعُها في النّجح عندكم مَغْطُ

٧٧. فَدُمْ ظافراً أَبا المظفر بالعِدَى
حليفَ قبولٍ لا يكون لها حَبْطُ

٧٨. بقيتَ ولا زالتْ عداكَ مُفيدةٌ
سعوداً ولا تُحْسنْ صعوداً ولا هَبْطُ

٧٩. ولو كنتَ جاراً للمعريِّ لم يقل
لمن جيرةٌ سيموا النوالَ فلم يُنْطوال