
Nothing prevents the servant from his purpose

ما يمنع الخادم من قصده

1. Nothing prevents the servant from his purpose
Except the muddy, rutted roads.

١. ما يمنعُ الخادمَ من قَصْدهِ ال
خدمةَ غيرُ الطُّرْق والوحلِ

2. It is as though your destination were cut off -
No path leads to your goal.

٢. كأَنّما مَوْصلكم مقطعٌ
ما يُهتدى فيه إلى وصلِ

3. And all who come here see
In times of bounty only barrenness.

٣. وكلُّ مَنْ حلَّ بها لا يرى
في زمنِ الخصبِ سوى المحلِ

4. Since entering it, we have found
Regret instead of profit.

٤. ومذ دخلناها حصلنا بها
كرهاً على خرجٍ بلا دخلِ

5. The most difficult thing we meet of its people
Is words without people or plains.

٥. أَصعبُ ما نلقاهُ من أَهلها
قولٌ بلا أهلٍ ولا سهلِ

6. I loved it, but I have found in it
Everything that pains me.

٦. وكنتُ أَهواها ولكنّني
لقيتُ منها كلَّ ما يسلي

7. And you are one whose kindness
Has become the adornment of this futile age.

٧. وأَنتَ مَنْ أَصبحَ إحسانُهُ
حليةَ هذا الزَّمنِ العُطلِ