
Whoever asked about me, set me free

من سلا عني أطلقت

1. Whoever asked about me, set me free
I released my ropes from his ropes

١. مَن سَلا عَنّي أَطلَق
تُ حِبالي مِن حِبالِهِ

2. Or if he found connection, he hurried
I strove with my effort for his connection

٢. أَو أَجَدَّ الوَصلَ سارَع
تُ بِجُهدي في وِصالِهِ

3. Not a new person if I visit
As if I am one of his family

٣. غَيرَ مُستَجدٍ إِذا اِزوَر
رَ كَأَنّي مِن عِيالِه

4. I only follow the precedent
Of my friend by his precedent

٤. إِنَّما أَحذو عَلى فِع
لِ صَديقي بِمِثالِه

5. However time turned me
I am still one of his men

٥. كَيفَما صَرَّفَني الدَه
رُ فَإِنّي مِن رِجالِه

6. A son of fifty years of time, experienced in its ways
Lord of a delicate neck it made me drink

٦. إبن خمسينَ من الدَه
ر خبيرٌ باعتلاله

7. And clearly arguing with him
Never will you see me

٧. ربَّ رَنقٍ قد سقانيه
وصافٍ من سجاله

8. Esteem one with money for his money
Nor feel sorry for one whose lack of means

٨. لا تَراني أَبَداً أُع
ظِمُ ذا مالٍ لِمالِه

9. Brings sadness
But I judge people

٩. لا وَلا أَزرى بِمَن يَع
قِلُ عِندي سوءُ حالِه

10. By their actions, no less

١٠. إِنَّما أَقضي عَلى ذا
كَ وَهَذا بِفِعالِه