
And a friend lowered his wing for me

وخل كان يخفض لي جناحا

1. And a friend lowered his wing for me
He gained riches, so he turned his back on me harshly

١. وَخِلٍّ كانَ يَخفِضُ لي جَناحا
أَفادَ غِنىً فَنابَذَني جِماحا

2. So I said to him, though my soul recoils
When valiant, it would charge the spears

٢. فَقُلتُ لَهُ وَلي نَفسٌ عَزوفٌ
إِذا حَمِيَت تَقَحَّمَتِ الرِماحا

3. I will replace my hopes in you with despair
And with despair, he who sought rest has rested

٣. سَأُبدِلُ بِالمَطامِعِ فيكَ يَأساً
وَبِاليَأسِ اِستَراحَ مَنِ اِستَراحا