1. Do not let weariness with a questioner weigh you down
For the best of your times is when you see one hopeful
١. لا تُرهِقَنَّكَ ضَجرَةٌ مِن سائِلٍ
فَلَخَيرُ دَهرِكَ أَن تَرى مَسؤولا
2. Do not frown in refusal at a hopeful face
For the continuance of your honor is to seem accepting
٢. لا تَجبَهَن بِالمَنعِ وَجهَ مُؤَمِّلٍ
فَبَقاءُ عِزِّكَ أَن تُرى مَأمولا
3. And know that you will soon be gone
So be one whose passing is beautifully borne
٣. وَاِعلَم بِأَنَّكَ عَن قَليلٍ صائِرٌ
خَبَراً فَكُن خَبَراً يَروقُ جَميلا
4. The generous man is met and is guided by his cheer
While frowning on the wretched is proof
٤. يُلقى الكَريمُ فَيُستَدَلُّ بِبِشرِهِ
وَتَرى العُبوسَ عَلى اللَئيمِ دَليلا