
More painful than the sting of a snake

أوجع من وخزة السنان

1. More painful than the sting of a snake
Is for the free man the sting of disgrace

١. أَوجَعُ مِن وَخزَةِ السِنانِ
لِذي الحِجا وَخزَةُ اللِسانِ

2. So seek provision from Allah and seek His help
For He is the best one to help

٢. فَاِستَرزِقِ اللَهَ وَاِستَعِنهُ
فَإِنَّهُ خَيرُ مُستَعانِ

3. Do not accept a living through humiliation
Nor refuse kindness from a gracious one

٣. لا تَرضَ عَيشاً عَلى اِمتِهانٍ
وَلا تُرِد وَصلَ ذي اِمتِنانِ

4. Worse than poverty and destitution
Is a free man's rage at dishonor

٤. أَشَدُّ مِن عَيلَةٍ وَفَقرٍ
إِغضاءُ حُرٍّ عَلى هَوانِ

5. And if the abode becomes constricted for a free man
He moves from one place to another

٥. وَإِن نَبا مَنزِلَ بِحُرٍّ
فَمِن مَكانٍ إِلى مَكانِ

6. A free man does not stay in a place
Where he is associated with disgrace

٦. لا يَثبُتُ الحُرُّ في مَكانٍ
يُنسَبُ فيهِ إِلى الهَوانِ

7. A free man remains free even if
The hand of time weighs on him one day

٧. الحُرُّ حُرٌّ وَإِن تَعَدَّت
عَلَيهِ يَوماً يَدُ الزَمانِ