
Judge a man's affection from what he shows you outwardly,

ارض من المرء في مودته

1. Judge a man's affection from what he shows you outwardly,
Not what his hidden thoughts would have you see.

١. اِرضَ مِنَ المَرءِ في مَوَدَّتِهِ
بِما يُؤَدّي إِلَيكَ ظاهِرُهُ

2. He who reveals men's secrets will find none to confide in -
No intimate of his will prove trustworthy.

٢. مَن يَكشِفِ الناسَ لا يَرى أَحَداً
يَصِحُّ لَهُ مِنهُ سَرائِرُهُ

3. You will seldom meet a loyal friend without some fault;
Bear with him still and be not quick to censure.

٣. توشِكُ أَن لا تُتِمَّ وَصلَ أَخٍ
في كُلِّ زَلّاتِهِ تُنافِرُهُ

4. If a friend wrongs me I put up with his wrong,
And if he is pleased I give thanks and rejoice.

٤. إِن ساءَني صاحِبي اِحتَمَلتُ وَإِن
سَرَّ فَإِنّي أَخوهُ شاكِرُهُ

5. I overlook his sins and do not ask
For excuses - I make allowance for him.

٥. أَصفَحُ عَن ذَنبِهِ وَإِن طَلَبَ ال
عُذرَ فَإِنّي عَلَيهِ عاذِرُهُ