
If you are not appalled by my blame

إن كنت لا ترهب ذمي لما

1. If you are not appalled by my blame
Since you know my pages are free of ignorance

١. إِن كُنتَ لا تَرهَبُ ذَمّي لِما
تَعلَمُ مِن صَفحي عَنِ الجاهِلِ

2. Then fear my silence, as I listen
To the slander from the speaker within you

٢. فَاِخشَ سُكوتي إِذ أَنا مُنصِتٌ
فيكَ لِمَسموعِ خَنا القائِلِ

3. For the listener of evil is its partner
And the feeder of food is like the eater

٣. فَسامِعُ الشَرِّ شَريكٌ لَهُ
وَمُطعِمُ المَأكولِ كَالآكِلِ

4. The utterance of evil to its people
Is faster than a flowing slope

٤. مَقالَةُ السوءِ إِلى أَهلِها
أَسرَعُ مِن مُنحَدَرٍ سائِلِ

5. And whoever invites people to blame him
They blame him rightfully and wrongfully

٥. وَمَن دَعا الناسَ إِلى ذَمِّهِ
ذَمّوهُ بِالحَقِّ وَبِالباطِلِ

6. So do not get angry if you are prone to outbursts
Waging war on my oblivious brother of experience

٦. فَلا تَهِج إِن كُنتَ ذا إِربَةٍ
حَربَ أَخي التَجرِبَةِ الغافِلِ

7. For the rational one, if you provoke him
You provoke with him one of fading folly

٧. فَإِنَّ ذا العَقلِ إِذا هَيَّجتَهُ
هِجتَ بِهِ ذا خَبَلٍ خابِلِ

8. You see through him in the present, his severity
Upon you, the latent harm of the postponed

٨. تُبصِرُ بِهِ في عاجِلٍ شَدّاتِهِ
عَلَيكَ غِبَّ الضَرَرِ الآجِلِ