1. He erred and responded to me without an answer,
And blamed me saying what was improper.
١. أَخطا وَرَدَّ عَلَيَّ غَيرَ جَوابي
وَزَرى عَلَيَّ وَقالَ غَيرَ صَوابِ
2. I was astonished at that and it increased
My dislike due to his mistrustful doubt.
٢. وَسَكَنتُ مِن عَجَبٍ لِذاكَ فَزادَني
فيما كَرِهتُ بِظَنِّهِ المُرتابِ
3. He judged me by the outer appearance of my garment,
Not knowing what was concealed beneath my clothes,
٣. وَقَضى عَلَيَّ بِظاهِرٍ مِن كِسوَةٍ
لَم يَدرِ ما اِشتَمَلَت عَلَيهِ ثِيابي
4. Of chastity, generosity, patience,
And fortitude in the face of misfortune and punishment.
٤. مِن عِفَّةٍ وَتَكَرُّمٍ وَتَحَمُّلٍ
وَتَجَلُّدٍ لِمَصيبَةٍ وَعِقابِ
5. And when time oppressed me, you found me
As a piece of wood stripped of its bark.
٥. وَإِذا الزَمانُ جَنى عَلَيَّ وَجَدتَني
عوداً لِبَعضِ صَفائِحِ الأَقتابِ
6. If you ask, a scholar will tell you
That I am where I love proper etiquette.
٦. وَلَئِن سَأَلتَ لَيُخبِرَنَّكَ عالِمٌ
أَنّي بِحَيثُ أُحِبُّ مِن آدابِ
7. And if an abode brought me notoriety, I abandoned it
Empty, a place for foxes and wolves.
٧. وَإِذا نَبا بي مَنزِلٌ خَلَّيتُهُ
قَفراً مَجالَ ثَعالِبٍ وَذِئابِ
8. And I share wealth being generous,
But when impoverished, I avoid my companions.
٨. وَأَكونُ مُشتَرَكَ الغِنى مُتَبَذِّلاً
فَإِذا اِفتَقَرتُ قَعَدتُ عَن أَصحابي
9. Yet he felt regret,
When I was accused and feared the onset of my reprimand.
٩. لَكِنَّهُ رَجَعَت عَلَيهِ نَدامَةٌ
لَمّا نُسِبتُ وَخافَ مَضَّ عِتابي
10. So I reproached him mildly when he admitted his sin,
A noble man does not rebuke a noble man.
١٠. فَأَقَلتُهُ لَمّا أَقَرَّ بِذَنبِهِ
لَيسَ الكَريمُ عَلى الكَريمِ بِنابِ