
Prolonged estrangement pleased him, so he opted for separation

تمادى به الهجران واستحسن الهجرا

1. Prolonged estrangement pleased him, so he opted for separation
And turned away, no longer speaking to me forevermore

١. تَمادى بِهِ الهِجرانُ وَاِستَحسَنَ الهَجرا
وَآلى يَميناً لا يُكَلِّمُني الدَهرا

2. By God, since losing a friend I once cherished
I've not befriended another, or ostracized one for a minor error

٢. فَوَاللَهِ ما اِستَسنَنتُ بَعدَ مَوَدَّةٍ
صَديقاً وَلا أَرهَقتُ ذا زَلَّةٍ عُسرا

3. If he returns, desiring my companionship, I too will want his friendship
Otherwise, I'll not compel him against his wishes to make amends

٣. فَإِن عادَ في وِدّي رَجَعتُ لِوِدِّهِ
وَإِلّا فَإِنّي لا أُحَمِّلُهُ إِصرا

4. And if he turns from me, frustrated, excusing himself,
I'll let him be and patiently endure his absence

٤. وَإِن مالَ عَنّي خائِباً نَحوَ عُذرِهِ
تَسَلَّيتُ عَنهُ وَاِستَعَرتُ لَهُ صَبرا

5. To one who shows me such hostility, I'll repay in kind
But for one good deed, I'll recompense tenfold

٥. أُعِدُّ لِمَن أَبدى العَداوَةَ مِثلَها
وَأُجزي عَلى الإِحسانِ واحِدَةً عَشرا