
Poverty is no shame, nor wealth a mark of merit,

ما الفقر عار ولا الغنى شرف

1. Poverty is no shame, nor wealth a mark of merit,
Generosity in excess is but extravagance.

١. ما الفَقرُ عارٌ وَلا الغِنى شَرَفٌ
وَلا سَخاءٌ في طاعَةٍ سَرَفُ

2. All that you have is what you give away,
Everything you keep for later will decay.

٢. ما لَكَ إِلّا شَيءٌ تُقَدِّمُهُ
وَكُلُّ شَيءٍ أَخَّرتَهُ تَلَفُ

3. Leave riches for your heirs, they'll joyfully receive them,
And mourn you insincerely when you take your leave.

٣. تَركُكَ مالاً لِوارِثٍ يَتَهَن
ناهُ وَتَصلى بِحَرِّهِ أَسَفُ