
I was granted wisdom but was not granted integrity

رزقت عقلا ولم أرزق مروءته

1. I was granted wisdom but was not granted integrity
And integrity is nothing but abundance of wealth

١. رُزِقتُ عَقلاً وَلَم أُرزَق مُروءَتَهُ
وَما المُروءَةُ إِلّا كَثرَةُ المالِ

2. If I wanted cordiality, destitution held me back
From anything that would bring renown to my name

٢. إِذا أَرَدتُ مُساماةً تَقاعَدَ بي
عَمّا يُنَوِّهُ بِاِسمي رِقَّةُ الحالِ