
A carrier that did not carry on earth, seeking

وسارية لم تسر في الأرض تبتغي

1. A carrier that did not carry on earth, seeking
A place, nor did a separator separate it

١. وَسارِيَةٍ لَم تَسرِ في الأَرضِ تَبتَغي
مَحَلّاً وَلَم يَقطَع بِها البيدَ قاطِعُ

2. It went where it did not find riders, and was not
Prevented from reaching the watering place by any barrier

٢. سَرَت حَيثُ لَم تَجِدِ الرِكابَ وَلم تُنَخ
لِوِردٍ وَلَم يَقصُر لَهُ القَيدَ مانِعُ

3. It passes behind the night while the night
Strikes with its body, therein a murmur and slumber

٣. تَمُرُّ وَراءَ اللَيلِ وَاللَيلُ ضارِبٌ
بِجُثمانِهِ فيهِ سَميرٌ وَهاجِعُ

4. When it arrives, God does not turn away its delegation
From its people, and God is seeing and hearing

٤. إِذا وَرَدَت لَم يَردُدِ اللَهُ وِفدَها
عَلى أَهلِها وَاللَهُ راءٍ وَسامِعُ

5. The gates of the heavens open for it
When it knocks on those gates, a knocker

٥. تَفَتَّحُ أَبوابُ السَمَواتِ دونَها
إِذا قَرَعَ الأَبوابَ مِنهُنَّ قارِعُ

6. And indeed I hope in God as if I
See with the beauty of thinking what God will do

٦. وَإِنّي لَأَرجو اللَهَ حَتّى كَأَنَّني
أَرى بِجَميلِ الظَنِّ ما اللَهُ صانِعُ