
The pearl has arrived bound in the book

لقد ورد الدر طي الكتاب

1. The pearl has arrived bound in the book
So I kissed the inscriptions that were written

١. لقد وردَ الدر طيَّ الكتاب
فقبَّلتُ منهُ بناناً كَتَب

2. And a hand that brings together the best of both
Of mighty generosity and refined etiquette

٢. وإِنَّ يداً تجمعُ الأَشرفينِ
جليلَ العطاءِ وغض الأدب

3. Flows gentleness with its composition
As it actually flows gold

٣. تسيلُ بانشائها رقة
كما هي فعلاً مسيل الذهب

4. It creates with a kiss minus palms
And that is the least that is owed

٤. لَتَخلُقُ باللثمِ دون الأكفِ
وذاك أَقلُّ الذي قد وجب

5. So my master and chief of generosity
And best of people whether mother or father

٥. فيا سيدي وأَميرَ الكرمِ
ويا أَفضلَ الناسِ اماً وأَب

6. I have dedicated this poem to you and have not
Been distracted from thanking the Lord of my bounties

٦. عليك وقفتُ القريضُ ولم
أكُ اعتاضُ من ربِ نعماي رب

7. And I had left Him for a period
And my silence lengthened and the wonder increased

٧. وقد كنت غادرته مدَّةً
وطال سكوتي وزادَ العجب

8. And people thought that I was fatigued
And that the spring of my speech was exhausted

٨. وظنَّ الأَنامُ بأَني عَييتُ
وأَنَّ معينَ كلامي نضَب

9. But poetry never expired, I just
Avoided in it unreasonable speech

٩. وما نضَبَ الشعرُ لكنني
تجنَّبتُ فيهِ مقالَ الكذب

10. And thought it too big to be
A vessel for the penniless and yearnings of the seekers

١٠. وأَكبرتهُ أن يكونَ وُعاءَ
العديمِ وكشكولَ أهلِ الطلب

11. Until I came across this meeting
And time yielded this profit

١١. إلى أن ظفرتُ بهذا اللقاء
وجادَ الزمانُ بهذا الأَرب

12. So you revived poetry in me before demise
And revived with generosity the glory of the Arabs

١٢. فأَنعشتَ بي الشعرَ قبل العفاء
وأَنعشتَ بالجودِ مجدَ العرَب