
Listen to the son of God's kindness, Pasha, praise him

صغ لابنِ لطف الله باشا مدحة

1. Listen to the son of God's kindness, Pasha, praise him
With virtue like his own virtue

١. صغ لابنِ لطف اللَه باشا مدحةً
غراءَ مثل صفاته الغراءِ

2. And bestow on him the garments of praise, for he
Is generous, fitting for him is the highest praise

٢. وانثر له حلل الثناء فإنه
شهمٌ يليقُ به أجل ثناء

3. He came to grieving Beirut
And relieved anxieties with his fair hand

٣. وافى إلى بيروت وهي كئيبةٌ
فجلا الهمومَ بكفهِ البيضاء

4. He made evident aspects of his intelligence
At which the lord of all intelligence was confused

٤. وأقامَ يُظهر من ضروب ذكائهِ
ما حارَ فيه ربُّ كل ذكاءِ

5. He brought hearts together in brotherhood when before
They were slaves, contrary to desires

٥. جمع القلوبَ على الإخاء وقبلها
كانت عبيدَ تخالف الأهواءِ

6. When he built for the poor an unassailable fortress
Protected by every brave warrior

٦. إذا شاد للفقراءِ أمنعَ معقلٍ
تحميهِ كل خريدةٍ غيداءِ

7. Goodness is made complete by his kindness
How good is kindness from a beauty!

٧. والحسنُ بالإِحسانِ يكمل فضلهُ
ما أحسنَ الإِحسانَ من حسناءِ

8. Nobility, to generosity, to courtesy, to
Refinement, to valor, to modesty

٨. شرفٌ إلى كرمٍ إلى أدبٍ إلى
ظرفٍ إلى بأسٍ إلى استحياء

9. Glory to Him who apportioned lots among creation
When He singled him out for the best of gifts

٩. سبحانَ من قسَمَ الحظوظَ على الورى
إذ خصَّهُ منها بخيرِ عطاءِ

10. So if you call on him for generosity, you will find
His hands generously bestowing sincere favors

١٠. فإِذا دعوتَ إلى السخاءِ وجدته
جادت يداهُ بصادق الآلاءِ

11. And if you call him to battle, you will see him
Atop the well-trained, valiant steed

١١. وإِذا دعوتَ إلى النزالِ رأَيتهُ
فوق المطَهَّمِ فارسَ الهيجاءِ

12. O you whom we praise in speech and whose
Conversation has delighted travelers in the desert!

١٢. يا من نشيدُ بذكرهِ وحديثُهُ
سارت به الركبانُ في البيداءِ

13. Beirut loves you, for you are her beloved,
The hoped-for one in ease and hardship

١٣. عشقتك بيروت فأنت حبيبها
المأمولُ في السراءِ والضرّاءِ

14. And so, her governor, you were a gift of love to her
This cup, a symbol of affection and serenity

١٤. ولذاك واليها حباكَ هديةً
ذا الكاسَ رمزَ مودَّةٍ وصفاءِ

15. In gratitude for what your hands have brought of dew
You still grasp glory and supremacy

١٥. عرفانَ ما صنعت يداكَ من الندى
لا زلتَ خدنَ المجدِ والعلياءِ