1. This is a droplet with which the eye attained
Safety from the havoc of illnesses
١. هذه قطرةٌ بها نالتِ العين
أماناً من فتكةِ الأمراضِ
2. It has been called a dewdrop, and that is a name
With which the gentlest of purposes is implied
٢. قد دَعَوها قطرَ الندى وهو لفظٌ
به يُكنى عن أَلطفِ الأغراضِ
3. With it eyes are kept safe just as flowers thrive
With drops of dew in gardens and meadows
٣. فبها تسلمُ العيونُ كما تحيى
بقطرِ الندى زهور الرياضِ