
Her eyes never stop searching people

وغيداء لا تنفك تمل عيونها

1. Her eyes never stop searching people
Since the dawns of Babylon, she does not tire

١. وغيداء لا تنفكَ تمل عيونها
على النّاسِ من أسحار بابل ما تُملي

2. I turned away from her while she calls to meet
And I ignored her while she calls to reunite

٢. تناءَيت عنها وهي تَدعو إلى الّلقا
وأعرضتُ عنها وهي تدعو إلى الوصل

3. And I busied myself away from her love
How often have the likes of me sought glory by turning away from the likes of her

٣. وكلّفتُ نفسي عن هواها تَسَلّياً
وكم قد سلا بالمجد عن مثلها مثلي

4. Neither the softness of her words deceived me
Nor did my heart incline towards her, slowed down by worries

٤. فما خدعتني رقّةٌ من كلامها
ولا دلّ قلبي نحوها مَلَقُ الدلِّ

5. And he who attained glory and prominence in the morning
Would prevent Sa'd and Jumail for my sake

٥. ومن بالعُلى والمجد أصبح مغرماً
يصدّ لعمري عن سُعادٍ وعن جُملِ

6. God did not want me to destroy in the evening and morning
What my glorious forefathers built before me

٦. أبى الله أن أمسي وأصبح هَادمَا
لما شادَ أبائي الأكارمُ من قبلي

7. And I continued to show endurance to time
As if I were too busy for what diverted me from it

٧. وما زلتُ أبدي للزّمان تجلّداً
كأنّي عمّا نابني عنه في شُغلِ

8. I spend my time daydreaming as an excuse
So my night talks were none other than those with 'Asani or 'Ali

٨. أُقضّي زماني بالأماني تَعلّةً
فما سَمَري إلا عَسَانيَ أو عَلّي

9. A friend of worries which I do not hope to solve
Except by God, my Lord, the owner of ties and solutions

٩. قرين هموم ليس أرجو لحلِّها
سوى الله ربّي مالكِ العقدِ والحلِّ