
My fortune awoke after a long sleep

تنبه حظي بعد طول منام

1. My fortune awoke after a long sleep
With the goodness of a righteous king and the son of a virtuous imam

١. تنبّهَ حظّي بعدَ طولِ مَنامِ
بخَيْرِ مليكٍ وابن خير إمامِ

2. I returned to the sweet Nimr from the meadows of Ahmed
To my thirst for him and my hopes

٢. وردتُ النّميرَ العَذْبَ من سوح أحمدٍ
على ظمإٍ منّي لَهُ وأَوامِ

3. I attained by it the height of glory ascending
And pitched my tent above the two temples

٣. فَنِلتُ به رُمحَ السِّماكِ مصاعداً
وطَنّبتُ فوقَ الْفَرقدين خيامي

4. And went with a delighted eye and wishes
And met from him events without blame

٤. ورحتُ بعَينٍ بالأماني قَريرةٍ
ولاقيتُ مِنهُ الحادِثات بِلاَمِ

5. I secured my hopes for the events in his shade
And attained from the distant goal my wishes

٥. أمنتً مَرامِي الحادثات بظلِّهِ
ونلتُ مِنَ المرْمَى البعيدِ مَرامي

6. And through him I outpaced those who were evading me
And towered high above all competitors

٦. وطُلتُ بهِ من كَان قِدماً مُطاولي
وسامَيتُ في العَلياء كلَّ مُسَامي

7. And I woke while the jealous slanderer was saying to me
To destroy me utterly in happiness and eminence

٧. وأصبحتُ والشّاني الحسودُ يقولُ لي
ليُهْنِكَ مَرقاً في السَّعادةِ وسَامي

8. And my long year became for me like an instant
While many an instant passed upon me as a year

٨. وأصبحَ بي عَامي الطَّويلُ كَلَحْظةٍ
وكم لَحْظَةٍ مَرّتْ عليَّ كَعَامِ

9. I used to think time would not fulfil
In keeping its pledges or shepherding its trusts

٩. وكنتُ أظنّ الدّهرَ أنكدَ لاَ يفي
بِحِفْظِ عهودي أو بِرَعْي ذِمَامي

10. But my time became submissive as though
It feared my compelling authority and swords

١٠. فَأصبحَ دَهْري خَاضِعاً وكأنّما
يُحاذِرُ حَدَّيْ ذَابِلي وحُسامي

11. Why should misfortunes not be humiliated before one who repaired
To the best protector and best advocate

١١. ولِمْ لا تذلُّ النّائباتُ لِمَنْ أَوَى
إلى خَير منّاعٍ وخير مُحامي

12. So rejoice, my heart, for you have attained your wish
And sleep, my eye, for you have obtained security

١٢. فيا قَلبُ طِبْ نفساً فقد فُزْتَ بالْمنى
ويا عينُ قَد نِلتِ الأَمَانَ فَنامِي