
You blame me more, had you found me obedient,

أكثرت عذلك لو وجدت مطيعا

1. You blame me more, had you found me obedient,
And you advise me, had you found me listening,

١. أكثَرتَ عذلكَ لوْ وجدْتَ مُطيعَا
ونصحْتَ جهدَكَ لَو وجدتَ سَميعا

2. You provoke wounds in my broken heart without cause,
And you make tears flow from my eyelids.

٢. هَيّجتَ في قلبي الجريحِ بَلاَ بِلاً
وأَفَضْتَ من جفني القريح دموعا

3. You knock on me with reproach, on unhearing ears,
That do not hear rebuke and reprimand.

٣. وقرعتَ منِّي بالملامة مسمعاً
لا يسمع التأنيبَ والتقريعا

4. Say to the one who deserted homes and meadows,
And intended hearts for us and ribs.

٤. قُلْ لِلّذي هجر المنازل والرُّبى
واختطّ أفئدةً لنا وضلوعا

5. The censurers know that by reproaching me,
I only increase in love and yearning for you.

٥. أدَرَى العواذلُ أنّني بملامِهم
أزداد فيكَ صبابةً وولُوعا

6. Leave them be, for if they saw you once,
We would have all shared love for you.

٦. دعهم فلو نظروك أوَّل نظرةٍ
كُنا اشتركنا في هواك جميعا