
They entrusted him with what they entrusted,

هم أودعوه الذي أودعوا

1. They entrusted him with what they entrusted,
So blame him if you wish, or let him be,

١. هُمُ أوْدعُوهُ الَّذي أودعوا
فَلوموهُ إن شِئتُم أو دَعُوا

2. For from that matter he will not desist,
Nor from that affair will he return.

٢. فعَنْ ذلك الأَمرِ لا يَنْتهي
وعَن ذلِكَ الشَّانِ لا يرجعُ

3. In the riders is a seducer in the meadow,
It has a settlement and a repository,

٣. وفي الرّكبِ فتَّانةٌ في الحَشا
لَها مُسْتَقرٌّ ومستودعُ

4. Its arrows in the hands of men protect it,
As well as the white ibex and the wide quiver.

٤. حَمَتْهَا النِّصالُ بأيْدي الرّجالِ
وبيضً الظُّبى والقَنَا الشُرَّعُ

5. Despite me the crow of an-Nuwa croaked at them,
And its gusting wind blew them away.

٥. حداهُمْ برغمِي غرابُ النّوى
وهبّتْ بهمْ ريحُها الزّعزَعُ

6. It established my lamentation after them,
And my patience wavered when they wavered.

٦. أقامَتْ شجنيَ من بعدِهمْ
وأزمَعَ صبريَ إذ أزْمَعوا

7. May God water for their sake Al-La'la',
And where, where can Al-La'la' be seen?

٧. سقى اللهُ من أَجلهم لَعْلَعاً
وأينَ وأينَ تُرَى لَعْلَعُ

8. I revive the meadows and they are my goal,
And if I say "Greetings O meadow!"

٨. أحيّى الرّبوعَ وهم مَقْصدي
وإنْ قلت حيّيتَ يا مَرْبعُ

9. And formerly it had been inhabited by them,
Yet now after them it is desolate.

٩. وقد كان قِدماً بهم عَامراً
فها هُوَ من بعدهم بَلْقَعُ

10. And in the track of the caravan when they departed,
A young man whose heart is anguished and afflicted.

١٠. وفي أثرِ العيسِ لمَّا سروا
فتىً قلبُه مُؤلَمٌ موجَعُ

11. A lover whose affair of passions,
Is towards a state of beauty that is not raised.

١١. مُحبٌّ قضيّة أشجانِه
إلى دَولَةِ الحُسْنِ لا تُرْفَعُ

12. And a people made passionate love easy for him,
So he became sipping of its roses.

١٢. وهَوَّنَ قومٌ عَليهِ الْهوى
فأصبحَ مِن وردِه يكرعُ

13. They imagined it smooth, but it was rough,
And how skilled in love is one who is deceived!

١٣. توَهّمَهُ سلِساً صَعْبُهُ
وكم حاذقٍ في الهوى يُخْدعُ

14. It is death, not an emaciated body,
Nor length of sleeplessness, nor tears.

١٤. هو الموتُ لا جسَدٌ ناحِلٌ
ولا طُول سُهدٍ ولا مَدْمَعُ

15. Not the wind blowing, nor lightning
That casts light upon lightning that flashes.

١٥. ولا الرّيحُ تَسْري ولا بَارقٌ
يَظَلّ على بارقٍ يلمَع

16. So those are the sublime ones of passionate love,
While lower than them in love is my refuge.

١٦. فهاتيك علاّت أهلِ الهوى
ولِي دونَهمْ في الهوى منزعُ

17. And my vacant meadow caused me distraction,
And it did not know what my ribs contained.

١٧. وخالي الحشا سَامَني سلوةً
ولم يَدْرِ ما حوتِ الأَضْلعُ

18. It blames a lover about love, something
From which no limb or place is devoid.

١٨. يلومُ شجيّاً عَنِ الحُبِّ ما
خلا مِنه عُضوٌ ولا مَوضعُ

19. So O you who rebukes me, where is one who will shepherd me?
And O you who advises me, where is one who will listen?

١٩. فيا عاذلي أينَ مَنْ يَرعَوي
ويا ناصحي ينَ مَنْ يسمع