
Where did the first ancestors settle,

أين استقر السلف الأول

1. Where did the first ancestors settle,
Far from us, where we now dwell?

١. أينَ اسْتقرّ السَّلَفُ الأولُ
عَمَّا قَريبٍ بِهمُ نَنْزلُ

2. They passed quickly to the abode of eternity,
While we follow in their tracks.

٢. مَرّوا سِراعاً نحْو دَارِ البَقا
ونحنُ في آثارَهم نرحْل

3. This world was never a home for us;
The hereafter is the home.

٣. ما هذه الدُّنيا لَنَا مَنْزِلاً
وإنما الآخرة المنزلُ

4. It has warned us of its twists and turns
If only we would listen or understand.

٤. قَدْ حذّرَتْنا مِن تَصاريفها
لو أنّنا نَسمعُ أو نَعْقلُ

5. One lengthens his hopes in it,
While death comes to the hopeful unawares.

٥. يُطيلُ فيها المرءُ آمَالَهُ
والموْتُ من دُونِ الذي يأملُ

6. The pleasures that passed brought delusion,
Had the horseflies been reasonable.

٦. حَلاَ لَهُ ما مَرَّ مِنْ عيشِها
ودونَه لو عقَلَ الحنظَلُ

7. It distracted him from obeying his Creator,
While God neither falters nor neglects.

٧. أَلْهَتْهُ عَنْ طاعةِ خلاّقِه
واللهُ لا يلْهُو ولا يَغْفُلُ

8. He manages the worries of man if they disappear,
And accepts the anxious when he returns.

٨. يُدْبِرُ هَمُّ المرْءِ إن أَدبَرتْ
ويُقْبِلُ الهمُّز إذا تُقبِلُ

9. Oh friend! What pleasure is there in a life
When we know not when death will befall?

٩. يا صَاح ما لذّةُ عَيشٍ بهَا
والموتُ لا نَدْري مَتَى يَنْزِلُ

10. It calls the loved ones from among us;
The first answers, then the next.

١٠. يدْعوا إلى الأحباب من بَيْنِنا
يجيبُهُ الأَوّلُ فالأوّلُ

11. Oh struggling one, exerting yourself in pursuit of it!
Has drink and food deceived you?

١١. يا كادِحاً يَجْهُدُ في كَسْبِها
أغرَّكَ المشربُ والمأكلُ

12. Oh greedy one, desiring to accumulate it!
Wait! For tomorrow, you will be asked about it.

١٢. ويا أخَا الحِرصِ على جَمْعِها
مَهْلاً فَعَنْها في غَدٍ تُسْأَلُ

13. Do not weary yourself in it or grieve
For what is past, for the matter is still ahead.

١٣. لا تَتْعَبَنْ فيها ولاَ تأسَفَنْ
لِمَا مَضَى فالأمرُ مُسْتَقْبَلْ

14. What can we say before a Judge
Who judges justly and does not act unjustly?

١٤. مَا قولُنا بَيْنَ يدَيْ حاكِمٍ
يَعْدِلُ في الحُكمِ ولا يَعْدِل

15. What can we say to God at a station
Where tongues are silenced and speech fails?

١٥. ما قولنا للهِ في مَوقِفٍ
يخرسُ فيه اللَّسِنُ المِقْوَلُ

16. When we are asked there about all
We say and do in this life?

١٦. إذا سُؤِلْنا فيهِ عَنْ كلِّ مَا
نَقُول في الدُّنيا وما نَفعَلُ

17. What value is knowledge to the scholar
When triumph is only for the doer?

١٧. ما الْفَوزُ لِلْعالِمِ في عِلمِهِ
وإنّما الفَوزُ لِمَنْ يَعْمَلُ