
O just in His judgment, who does no wrong

يا عادلا في حكمه لا يظلم

1. O just in His judgment, who does no wrong
How much hidden sin have we kept concealed

١. يا عادلاً في حكمِهِ لا يَظلِمُ
بَرحَ الخَفَا كم ذا نُجنْ ونكتُم

2. O Hearer of voices, if You do not respond
Who will respond to us and have mercy but You

٢. يا سامعَ الأصوات إنْ لم تَسْتجبْ
من يَسْتجِيبُ لَنَا سِواكَ ويَرحَم

3. O He who holds the reins of all affairs in His hands
Have mercy, for You know best the state of Your servant

٣. يا مَنْ مقاليدُ الأمورِ بكفِّه
عَطفاً فأنتَ بحالِ عَبدِك أعلمُ