
My heart cannot gain from you what it hopes for

لا نال منك فؤادي ما يرجيه

1. My heart cannot gain from you what it hopes for
As being away from you for so long gives it solace

١. لا نالَ منكَ فؤادي ما يُرجّيهِ
إنه كَانَ طُولُ التَّنائي عنكَ يُسْلِيهِ

2. Ask the cupbearer about my frail body, but do not
Ask about my sickness, for it hides it

٢. سَلِ الصبَّابةَ عَنْ جسمي السَّقيم ولا
تَسَلْ سَقامي فإِنّ السُّقم يخفيهِ

3. And do not ask anyone but my eyes about their tears
Take water only from its springs

٣. ولا تَسَلْ غَير طرفي عَنْ مَدامِعِهِ
لا تأَخذِ الماءَ إلاّ من مجاريهِ

4. I complain to God of passion I have kept secret
From the one who blames me as my tears reveal it

٤. أشكو إلى اللهِ وجداً ظَلْتُ أَكتُمُهُ
عَنْ عاذِلي ودموع العين تبديه

5. And a soul that has persisted in its misguidance
And increased until it persisted in its persistence

٥. وخاطراً قد تمادَى في غوايتِه
وزادَ حَتّى تمادَى في تماديهِ

6. And fate struck me with its calamities
With every arrow of events to nurture it

٦. وصَرَفَ دَهْرٍ أَصَابتني نوائبُهُ
بكلّ سَهْمٍ مِنَ الأَحداث تَبْريهِ

7. As sustenance for a past time as if my luck
Supported me, I would have ransomed this time with it

٧. سُقْياً لِدَهْرٍ مضَى لو كَأنَ سَاعدني
حَظِي لَكُنتُ بِهَذَا الدَّهرِ أَفْدِيْهِ

8. This is an era that was not of eras
And the branded did not water it from its cisterns

٨. هَذَا الزّمانُ الّذي لاَ كانَ مِنْ زِمَنٍ
ولا سَقَاهُ مِنَ الوسْمِيّ سارِيْهِ

9. Loyalty died and the sons of loyalty in it
So glory after them is weaker than its songs

٩. ماتَ الْوفاءُ وأَبناء الوفاءِ بهِ
فالْمجْدُ مِنْ بَعْدِهم أَقوتْ مغانيه

10. Where is one who deserves praise offered to him
For money's sake, so we fulfill it and it fulfills us

١٠. فأينَ مَنْ يَسْتَحقُّ المدحَ مُبْتَذِلاً
لِلْمالِ فيهِ فيوفِينَا ونُوفيه

11. I yearn for worthless verses I praised
One with, who if I lampooned, I would make lampooning him cheap

١١. لَهْفي عَلَى غُرَّ أَبْياتٍ مَدَحْتُ بها
مَنْ لَوْ هَجوتُ لأرخَصْتُ الْهجا فيهِ

12. I yearn for the cloth of glory I donned, its scent dispersed
I clothed my misfortune with it, not one worthy of it

١٢. لَهْفِي عَلَى ثَوبِ عزٍّ نَشْرهُ عَطِرٌ
أَلْبَستُهُ لِشَقَائي غَيرَ أَهْلِيهِ

13. And a horizon of poetry whose softness melts rock
In which I revealed stars from its meanings

١٣. وأُفق نَظْمٍ تذيبُ الصّخر رقّتُهُ
أَطْلَعتُ فيه نجوماً مِنْ معانيهِ

14. I inked it for a miser, the engraving of his dirham
May God protect it from the eyes of beggars

١٤. حَبّرتُه في بخيلٍ نقشُ دِرْهمِهِ
اللهُ مِن أَعْين السّؤّال يَحْميهِ

15. His forehead almost bows down to the dinar miserly
And worships it besides its Creator

١٥. تكادُ تسجدُ للدينار جَبْهَتُهُ
بخلاً ويعبدُه مِن دون بارِيهِ

16. He wishes he were deaf if a caller
Called him to good, to hear his caller

١٦. يودّ لو أنّ في آذانهِ صَمَماً
إذا دَعاهُ إلى المعروفِ دَاعيهِ

17. If the Chosen One came interceding for him
By the Trustworthy of God over a dirham, he would not give it

١٧. لو جَاءَه المُصطفى مُسْتَشْفِعاً
بأمينِ الله في دِرهمٍ ما كانَ يُعطيهِ

18. Neither praise tempts him to give his asker
Nor does blame turn him from deprivation

١٨. لا المدحُ يُغْريه بالإِعطا لِسَائِلِهِ
ولا الهِجا عَن الحرمان يُثْنْيهِ

19. Prouder than a rooster walking haughtily
With two wings of arrogance and straying

١٩. أزْهَى مِنَ الدِيكِ إذْ يمشي عَلَى صَلَفٍ
لَهُ جناحان مِنْ كِبرٍ ومن تِيهِ

20. No forbearance in him, no intellect or manners
No loyalty to guidance leads him

٢٠. لا حِلم فيه ولا عَقلٌ ولا أدبٌ
ولا وفاء إلى المعروف يهديه

21. He aspires to highness while miserliness makes him sit
As if he is a bird whose wings are cut

٢١. يرومُ شأوَ العُلَى والبخْلُ يُقْعدهُ
كأنَّه طائرٌ قُصَّتْ خوافيْهِ

22. He sees arrogance as the epitome of merits
And considers miserliness the height of glories

٢٢. يَرى التكبَّرِ من أسْنَى مَنَاقبهِ
ويحسَب البُخْلَ مِنْ أَعلَى مَعاليه

23. I wonder with all his insolence
Was he expecting revelation to come to him

٢٣. فليتَ شِعري علَى ما فيه مِن صَلَفٍ
أكانَ مُنْتَظراً لِلْوحْيِ يأتيه

24. I presented him, for my misfortune in his bliss
A necklace of praise, its beads appealing to him

٢٤. قَلّدتْهُ لِشقائي في سعادتهِ
عقْداً مِنَ المدحِ قد راقَت لآليهِ

25. The morning sun wishes it adorned itself with him
And the moon of night wishes it resembled him

٢٥. تودّ شمسُ الضّحى لو أنَها حليَتْ
بهِ وبَدَرُ الدّجى لَو كان يَحكِيهِ

26. Who will tell the flowers to portray his features
And the blossoms to equal him

٢٦. مَنْ لِلزّهورِ بأن تحكي شمائِلَهُ
ومَنْ لِزُهْرِ الدَّياجي لَو تُضاهيهِ

27. And someone told me to lampoon him, so I said
Gently, my lampooning will not hurt him

٢٧. وقائل لي أتهجوهُ فقُلتُ لَهُ
مَهلاً فإِنَّ هِجائي ليسَ يؤذيهِ

28. I recite his equalities yet he reckons me
Due to his deep heedlessness, reciting his equals

٢٨. إنّي لأتلُو مَسَاويه فَيَحْسبُني
لفرطِ تَغْفيلِه أتلُو مَسَاعيهِ

29. My praising him was a sin I suffered with
So my lampooning him absolves me

٢٩. قد كانَ مَدحي لَه ذَنباً شَقيتُ بهِ
فَصَار تكفِيرُهُ عَنّي هَجائِيهِ

30. O demolisher with his equalities a lofty edifice
Its builder is unmatched among earth's kings

٣٠. يا هادماً بمَساويه بناء عُلىً
أبُوهُ دونَ ملوكِ الأَرض بانيهِ

31. Beware the fire of a thought whose flames kindled
And do not stand where torrents flooded its valley

٣١. حذار من نارِ فكرٍ أضْرِمَتْ لَهباً
ولا تَقِفْ لِعُبابٍ سَالَ واديه

32. For neither has the sword of my resolve erred when I wield it
Nor has the flint of my mind missed when I strike it

٣٢. فَما نَبَا سيفُ عَزمي حينَ أُعْمِلُهُ
ولا خَبَا زَندُ فِكري حين أُورِيهِ

33. And I did not praise you hoping to gain wealth from you
But fate that flowed in the universe fulfilled it

٣٣. وما امْتَدحتك أَرْجو منك نيلَ غِنىً
لكِنْ قضاءٌ جرى في الكونِ ماضيهِ

34. And if I wanted riches, I would praise a lad
Whose praiser attains the utmost of his hopes

٣٤. ولو أردْتُ غناءٌ لاَمْتَدحْتُ فتىً
ينالُ مَادِحُه أَقْصى أمانيه