1. Haydar deserves merit above all people,
The near and the distant alike.
١. لِحَيدرةَ الفضلُ دون الورى
عَلَى أقربِ النّاسِ والأبعدِ
2. So draw near to him with love, for whoever,
Draws near to him with love will be guided.
٢. فَدِنْ بِمَحَّبتِهِ إنَّ مَنْ
يَدِنْ بمحبَتِهِ يرشدِ
3. The brother of Mustafa and the cheek of guidance,
The guide of the wilderness and the rightly guided one.
٣. أَخو المصْطفى وخَدينُ الهدى
وهادي البريّةِ والمهتدي
4. Whenever the darkness of perplexities grows dense,
He illuminates the gloomy night.
٤. إذَا مَا دَجَتْ ظُلَمُ المشْكِلات
جَلّى دُجى لَيلِها الأَسْودِ
5. And no matter who is called upon in tribulation,
Suffice it that you have the unique scholar.
٥. ومَهْمَا يُنادَى لأُكْرومَةٍ
فَنَاهِيكَ بالعَلَمِ المفردِ
6. And it suffices you of his merit that he,
Did not prostrate to other than the All-Dominant.
٦. وحَسْبُكَ مِنْ فَضلِه أنّه
لِغَير المهَيْمنِ لَم يَسجُدِ
7. And that the one whom the Chosen One protected,
For the Imamate was from Ahmad.
٧. وأَنّ مَنِ المصْطَفى صنوهُ
لَفِي الإِمامة منْ أحمدٍ
8. Tell me who won below the heavens,
The text of the Imamate from Ahmad.
٨. أبِنْ ليَ مَن فَازَ دون الورى
بنصِّ الإِمامة منْ أحمدٍ
9. He granted him the Imamate after him,
And they were before all people in their gathering.
٩. حباهُ الإمامةَ من بَعْدِه
وكانَا مِنَ النّاسِ في مشهدِ
10. And who other than him is seen standing,
At the Basin, giving drink to all from his hand.
١٠. ومَنْ ذَا سواه يُرى قائماً
عَلى الحوضِ يَسْقي الوَرى عن يَدِ
11. And whose love in the world,
Became evidence of the nobility of birth.
١١. ومَنْ ذا غدا حبُّه في الورى
دَلِيلاً على شرفِ المولدِ
12. The soul of the Messenger by the text of the Book,
And the soul is not like the most distant companion.
١٢. ونفسَ الرَّسولِ بنصِّ الكِتابِ
وما النّفسُ كالصَّاحب الأبعدِ
13. And whoever slept in the tomb of Mustafa,
While the eyes of the treacherous did not sleep.
١٣. ومَن نامَ في مَرْقَدِ المصْطَفى
وعَينُ أُولي الغَدْرِ لم تَرقدِ
14. And the eagle dove towards his slipper,
To protect him from the harm of the black snake.
١٤. وأهوى العُقابُ إلى نَعْلِه
لِيَدْفَعَ عنهُ أَذَى الأَسْودِ
15. And in the market place, he who kindled the fire of turmoil,
While the people shrank from his hand.
١٥. وفي الصّوح مَنْ شبّ نار الوغى
وقد أحجَمَ النّاس مِنْ عَن يدِ
16. And Amr the day he called out to Al-Laqit,
"O orphan of Adiyy, has Umm Adyy given birth or adopted?"
١٦. وَعَمْروٌ غداةَ دَعا لِلّقا
أتَيمٌ لَهُ برزت أم عَدِي
17. Explain to us, woe to you! I see,
The truth has shone for the rightly guided one.
١٧. أبينُوا لَنَا ويلكُم إنّني
أرىَ الحقَ أبلجَ لِلْمهتدي
18. You envied Ali his superiority,
And whoever attains what he attained is envied.
١٨. حَسَدتمْ عليّاً على فَضْلِه
ومَن نالَ مَا نَالَهُ يُحْسَدِ
19. And you opposed him with your whims,
Unlike servants with their master.
١٩. وخالفتموهُ بأهوائِكمْ
خِلافَ العَبيدِ على السيّدِ
20. And you denied the radiance of his virtues,
A brilliance too bright for the niche.
٢٠. وأنكَرْتُمو مِنْ سَنَا فضلِه
ضياءاً أَنَافَ على الفرقِد
21. There is no shame on the sun if,
The bleary-eyed deny its brilliance.
٢١. ولا عارَ لِلشَمسِ إن أنكرتْ
سَن ضوءِها مُقْلةُ الأَرمدِ
22. Why then, though you have aimed to disparage him,
Have you not reached the utmost lowliness?
٢٢. فَهَلاَّ وقَدْ رُمْتُمو شأوَهُ
سبَقْتُمْ إلى غايةِ السُّؤددِ
23. And which of you all, other than him,
Was made lawful to reside in the mosque?
٢٣. وهَل جُنُبٌ مِنكمُ غيرُه
أُحِلَّ لَهُ اللّبثُ في المسْجدِ