
Though my lord forgot his servant and sent

ولما تناسى سيدي كتب عبده

1. Though my lord forgot his servant and sent
No message, no envoy to lighten our discontent,

١. ولمّا تَناسَى سيّدي كتبَ عبدِهِ
ولم يأتِنَا منه كِتابٌ ولا رسلُ

2. We sought him out, traversing the earth in our yearning,
And we were blest by the visit, though the merit is his alone.

٢. أتيناهُ نطوي الأرضَ شوقاً وإنّما
لنا الحظّ في إتيانِنا ولَه الفضلُ

3. Thanks and praise to God, who decreed
That after separation we come together again.

٣. وللهِ أسنى الحمدَ والشكر إذ قضَى
بأن ضمّنا من بعد فرقتنا الشملُ