1. If he had known they were the most beautiful eyes,
The day we met, the longing one would not have risked it,
١. لو كانَ يَعْلَمُ أنّها الأحداقُ
يومَ النّقا ما خَاطرَ المشتاقُ
2. He was ignorant of love until he became its captive,
And for a captive of love there is no release.
٢. جَهِلَ الهوى حتى غَدا في أسرِهِ
والحُبّ ما لأسيرهِ إطلاقُ
3. My friend, a companion is not a true friend,
If he lacks empathy and compassion.
٣. يا صاحبَيَّ وَمَا الرَّفيقُ بصاحبٍ
إن لَم يكنْ مِن دأبه الإشفاقُ
4. This is the day when souls are laid bare,
Intellects are robbed and blood is shed,
٤. هَذَا النّقا حَيثُ النّفوسُ تُباح
والأَلْبابُ تُسْلَبُ والدَماءُ تُراقُ
5. Where does are commodities in the market of passion,
Creating hypocrisy in the minds of men.
٥. حيثُ الظِّباءُ لهنَّ سوقٌ في الهوى
فيها لأَلْبابِ الرِّجالِ نَفَاقُ
6. So take the right way, avoid its dens,
For beyond the dens, necks are prone to be struck.
٦. فَخُذا يُميناً عن مَضَاربه فَمِنْ
دُونِ المضَارِبِ تُضْربُ الأعناقُ
7. And beware of those does, for they have
No loyalty or covenant in love.
٧. وحذارِ مِنْ تِلكَ الظباءِ فما لَها
في الحُبِّ لا عَهْدٌ ولا مِيثاقُ
8. For sharing my love I was blamed,
And we were equal in our fervor.
٨. وَبِمهْجَتي مَنْ شاركتْني لُوَّمي
وجداًُ عليهِ فَكُلُّنا عُشَاقُ
9. He is like the full moon, only he fears no
Defects may mar his perfection.
٩. كالبدْرِ إلاّ أنّه في تِمّهِ
لا يَخْتشي أن يَعْتَريهِ محاقُ
10. He is like a branch, but his beauty is intrinsic,
While the branch is adorned only by leaves.
١٠. كالغُصْنِ لكنْ حُسْنُه في ذَاته
والغُصنُ زانتْ قدَّهُ الأوراقُ
11. No matter how much I complain of his aloofness, he says:
Love is nothing but aloofness and separation.
١١. مَهْما شكوتُ لَه الجفاء يقول لي
ما الحُبُّ غلاّ جفوةٌ وفِراقُ
12. Or if I lament my sleepless nights for him, he says:
When did the one bearing passion ever sleep?
١٢. أو أَشتكي سَهَري عليه يَقُلْ مَتَى
نَامَتْ لِمَنْ حَمَلَ الْهوى آماقُ
13. Or if I say his love made my eyes overflow with tears,
He says it is in the nature of the new moon to shine.
١٣. أو قلتُ قد أشْرَقْتني بمدامعي
قال الأهلّةُ شأنُها الإشْراقُ
14. Before him I did not know that love
Is a smitten heart or blood shed in torrents.
١٤. ما كُنْتُ أدْري قَبْلَه أنّ الْهَوى
مُهَجٌ تَصَدَّعُ أو دَمٌ مُهْراقُ
15. I was sober till the day we met, when eyes
And cheeks enticed me.
١٥. كنتُ الخَليّ فَعَرَّضَتْني لِلْهَوى
يومَ النَّقا الوَجَناتُ والأَحداقُ
16. And from dallying in love - thus is the intoxication
Of youth, it allows no sobriety.
١٦. ومِن التَدَلّهِ في الغَرامِ وهكَذا
سُكرُ الصَّبابةِ مالَهُ إفراقُ
17. I use the word "met" to mean something else,
I say Damascus but I mean Iraq.
١٧. إنّي أُعبّر بالنّقا عَن غيرِهِ
وأقول شامٌ والمرادُ عراق
18. I have no desire for drinking or taverns,
My fervor is not for feverishness.
١٨. ما لِلنَّقا قَصْدي ولا بمحَجّرٍ
وجْدي ولا أَنا لِلْحِمَى مُشتاقُ
19. My utmost aspiration is the lightning of Nu'man,
If only I were aided by friends and comrades.
١٩. بَرِحَ الخفا نعمانُ أقْصَى مَطْلبي
لَوْ سَاعَدَتنْي صحْبةٌ ورفاقُ
20. O lightning flash of Nu'man, awaken! How long
Will there be rumblings and flashes?
٢٠. يا بَرْقَ نعمانٍ أفِقْ حتّى مَتى
وإلى مَتَى الأرعادُ والإِبراقُ
21. Tell me of my loved ones, does my covenant still stand?
Is my pact still binding?
٢١. قُلْ لي عَن الأحباب هَل عهدي على
عَهْدي وهل ميثاقيَ الميثاقُ
22. Oh, how I wish I knew! If only and her sister
Were tranquility for the one tormented by passions!
٢٢. يا ليتَ شعري إنّ ليتَ وأختَها
لَسَميرُ مَنْ لَعِبَتْ بهِ الأشواق
23. Will affection return after rejections?
Will embraces resume after estrangement?
٢٣. أيعودُ لي بعدَ الصّدودِ تَواصلٌ
ويُعادُ لي بعد البعادِ عناقُ
24. I say to a band of Zaidis journeying
Towards Iraq with camel litters:
٢٤. إنّي أَقولُ لعُصْبَةٍ زَيْديّةٍ
وخَدَتْ بهمْ نَحو العِراقِ نياقُ
25. By my father, my mother, my tresses and my land,
Who will blame me, and who brought me to him
٢٥. بأبيْ وبيْ وبِطَارفي وبتَالدي
مَنْ يمَمُوهُ ومَنْ إليه سَاقُوا
26. Whose heart settled in the land of expatriation
While his spirit flutters anxiously?
٢٦. هَل مِنّةٌ في حَمْل جسْمٍ حَلّ في
أرضِ الْغَريّ فؤادُه الخفّاق
I heard them mention the expatriate, and the wine
٢٧. أَسْمَعتُهُمْ ذكرَ الغَريِّ وقَد سَرت
بعقولِهمْ خَمرُ السُّرَى فأَفَاقوا
28. Of intimacy intoxicated their minds and they awakened,
Yearning for one who will give water to mankind tomorrow,
٢٨. حُبَّاً لِمَنْ يَسْقي الأَنامَ غداً ومَنْ
تُشْفى بتُرْبِ نعالِه الأَحداقُ
29. And by the dust of whose shoes aching eyes are cured,
One whose religion stood straight by him,
٢٩. لِمَنِ اسْتَقامَتْ مِلّةُ الباري بهِ
وعَلَتْ وقامَتْ للعُلى أسواقُ
30. And by him stalls in the lofty markets thrived,
One to whom the discourse of every virtue is linked
٣٠. ولمن إليهِ حديثُ كلِّ فضيلةٍ
من بَعْدِ خيرِ المرسلين يُساقُ
31. After the best of Messengers, may it always endure,
The smasher of fortresses and spears, who became
٣١. لمحطِّم الرّدْنِ الرّماح وقد غَدا
لِلنّقعِ مِن فوق الرّماح رواقُ
32. A haven above spears for the prodded,
A man whose silence and awe in greeting him
٣٢. لِفتىً تَحِيّتُهُ لِعْظمِ جَلاَلِهِ
مِنْ زَائريه الصِّمتُ والإِطراقُ
33. Are from visitors, so great is his glory,
The son-in-law and helper of the Prophet - excellent
٣٣. صِهرُ النبيّ وصنِوهُ يا حَبَّذا
صِنوان قَدْ وَشَجَتْهما الأَعْراق
34. The two helpers whom lineages have exalted,
The father of preferment - they surpassed and excelled,
٣٤. وأَبو الأُولى فَاقُوا وراقُوا والأُلَى
بمديحهِمْ تتزيّنُ الأوراقُ
35. And the preferred - by their praise pages are adorned,
Consider the goals of every dominion,
٣٥. انْظرْ إلى غاياتِ كلِّ سيادةٍ
أَسواهُ كانَ جوادُها السبّاقُ
36. The swiftest of them were their steeds.
So praise him without inhibition, for there is no
٣٦. وامدَحْهُ لا متحرِّجاً في مدحه
إذ لا مبالغةٌ ولا إغراقُ
37. Exaggeration or excess in his praise.
God endowed him after the Event of the Pond with guardianship,
٣٧. ولاَه أحمدُ في الغديرِ ولايةً
أَضحتْ مطوَّقةً بها الأعناقُ
38. Encircling necks thereby.
Until when he directed his gaze towards it,
٣٨. حتّى إذا أَجْرَى إليها طِرفَهُ
حادُوهُ عَنْ سنَنِ الطَّريقِ وعاقوا
39. They turned him away from the path and opposed him.
How quick they forgot his covenant, wrongfully,
٣٩. ما كانَ أسرعَ ما تَناسوا عَهْدَه
ظُلماً وحُلَّتْ تِلكُمُ الأطواقُ
40. And donned those shackles!
They testified to it for Haydar on the day of the Event,
٤٠. شَهِدوا بها يَومَ الغَديرِ لحيدَرٍ
إذْ عمَّ من أنوارِها الإشراق
41. When its lights shone forth.
Until when the oppressed one passed away,
٤١. حَتَى إذا قُبِضَ المُذلُّ سُطاهمُ
وَغَدتْ عليهِ مَن الثرى أطباقُ
42. And layers of earth covered him,
Oh, how I wish I knew what their response will be
٤٢. يا لَيْتَ شعري ما يكونُ جوابُهمْ
حين الخلائق لِلْحساب تُساقُ
43. When mankind is brought for judgement!
When the adversary is Muhammad and his witnesses
٤٣. حينَ الخصيمُ محمّدٌ وشهودُه
أهْلُ السَّما والحاكمُ الخلاَّقُ
44. The people of the heavens, and the Judge is the Creator.
Their tongues will then be tied for violating
٤٤. قَدْ قيّدتْ إذْ ذاَكَ ألْسنُهم بمَا
نكَثُوا العُهودَ فما لَها إطلاقُ
45. Their oaths - and they can't be untied.
Their mouths will drip blood in misery endlessly,
٤٥. وتظلّ تذْرِفُ بالدِّما آمَاقُهم
لِلْكَربِ لا رَقأَتْ لَهُمْ آماق
46. As their suffering has no relief.
They sought the intercession of Ahmed after
٤٦. رامُوا شَفاعةَ أحمدٍ مِنْ بَعْدِما
سَفكوا دِما أبنائِه وأراقوا
47. Spilling the blood of his progeny and shedding it.
So there he will say: What were in you
٤٧. فَهُناكَ يدعو كيفَ كانتْ فيكمُ
تلكَ العهودُ وذلك الميثاق
48. Those covenants and that pact?
Now when you broke your covenant with me
٤٨. الآنَ حين نكَثْتمُ عَهْدي
وذَاقَ أقاربي مِنْ ظُلْمكمْ ما ذاقوا
49. And my kin tasted from your oppression what they tasted,
And for my brother vipers set upon by your betrayal
٤٩. وأخي غدَتْ تَسْعى لَهُ مِن نَكْثكمْ
حيّاتُ غَدْرٍ سُمّهنَ زُعَاقُ
50. Slithered, their venom lethal,
And what cannot be endured of your deceit and cruelty
٥٠. وأصابَ بنتي من دفائِن غدرِكم
وجفاءِكم دهياءُ لَيسَ تُطاقُ
51. Befell my daughter,
And in oppressing a people you instituted a practice
٥١. وسَنَنْتمُ من ظُلم أَهْلٍ سنّةً
بكمُ اقْتَدى في فِعْلها الفُسَّاق
52. Emulated by villains,
And by your doing Al-Husayn and his family
٥٢. وبسَعْيكمُ رُمي الحُسَينُ وأهلُه
بكتائبٍ غُصّتْ بها الآفاقُ
53. Were slain by regiments filling the horizons,
So their corpses were there preyed upon by beasts
٥٣. فَغَدَتْ تَنُوشُهمُ هُناكَ ذَوابِلٌ
سمرٌ ومُرهَفَةٌ المتونِ رقاقُ
54. Whose abdomens were gorged and bodies lean.
And likewise was Zaid burned by a horde
٥٤. وكذاكَ زيدٌ أَحْرقَتْهُ مَعَاشِرٌ
ما إنْ لَهُمْ يومَ الحِساب خَلاقُ
55. Who will have no escape on Judgement Day,
From that firewood you gathered on the day
٥٥. مِنْ ذلِكَ الحَطَبِ الذي جَمَّعْتُمُ
يَومَ الفعيلة ذَلكَ الإحراق
56. Of the ordeal, for that inferno.
How much blood of the Children of the Prophet
٥٦. ولكَمْ دَمٍ شرِّكْتم في وزْرِهِ
لِبَنِيّ في الحَرَمِ الشَّريفِ يُراقُ
57. Did you make me responsible for, shedding it in the noble sanctuary!
How many captives of theirs, men and women,
٥٧. ولكَمْ أَسيرٍ مِنهمُ وأَسِيرةٍ
تدْعُو أَلاَ مَنُّ أَلاَ إعتاق
58. Cry "Deliverance! Deliverance! Liberation!"
Are my reward for my counsel that my kin
٥٨. أَجَزاء نَصْحِي أَنْ يَنَالَ أقاربي
من بَعْدِ الإِبْعادُ والإزهاق
59. Regain their rights after extermination and slaying?
Now you come seeking my intercession
٥٩. فالآن جِئتم تَطْلبون شفاعتي
لَمّا علا كَرْبٌ وضَاقَ خِنَاقُ
60. When misery has intensified and throats are choked.
After what you have done, do you hope for
٦٠. أَتَرونَ بعدَ صَنيعكمْ يُرجَى لكمْ
أبداَ خَلاصٌ أو يُحلّ وثاقُ
61. Everlasting salvation, or bonds to be loosened?
After what you have done, do you hope for
٦١. أَتَرونَ بعدَ صَنيعكمْ يُرجَى لكمْ
أبداً خَلاصٌ أو يُحلّ وثاقُ
62. Everlasting salvation, or bonds to be loosened?
O Lord, make them drink from the cup of Your justice
٦٢. يا ربّ جرِّعْهمْ بِعَدْلِكَ غبَّ مَا
قَدْ جَرَعُوه أَقاربي وأَذاقوا