1. O family of Taha, you are
The people of sovereignty and leadership
١. يا آل طه أنتُمُ
أهلُ السِّيادةِ والزّعامَهْ
2. May you be blessed with the honor of prophethood
And trusteeship and imamate
٢. يهنيكمُ شرفُ النبوَّةِ
والوصايةِ والأمامَهْ
3. These three have brought together for you
The most valuable facets of dignity
٣. جَمَعَتْ لكمْ هَذي الثَلاَثُ
الغُرُّ أطرافَ الكرامَهْ
4. With your affection I hope for salvation
And safety on the Day of Resurrection
٤. بِودادِكم أرجو النَّجا
والأَمْنَ في يومِ القيامَهْ