
Let them say what they will of me, for I am exalted above their saying,

دعهم يقولوا فبي فوق الذي قالوا

1. Let them say what they will of me, for I am exalted above their saying,
Sick, sleepless, with tears for you ever flowing down my cheeks.

١. دَعْهُمْ يقولوا فَبي فوقَ الذي قالوا
سقمٌ وسهدٌ ودمعٌ فيكَ همّالُ

2. O you whom ignorance makes all the more enchanting in your loveliness,
I have none but envious men to blame you - may they have no peace!

٢. يا من أَفَندُّ جهلاً في محبّتِهِ
ما لي عليك سوى الحساد عُذّالُ

3. My reproachers move no lip against me but to increase my love for you;
May it never diminish, try as they will!

٣. ما حرّكوا بملامي منهمُ شفَةٌ
إلاَّ وزادوا غرامي فيكَ لا زَالوا