
O eye, for this momentous tragedy

يا عين أما لهذا الحادث الجلل

1. O eye, for this momentous tragedy
Rend your clouds for the pouring rain,

١. يا عينُ أَمّا لِهذا الحادثِ الجَلَل
شقّي غَمَامَكِ عن مُسْترسِل هَطلِ

2. And burst springs of tears forthwith
Into an ocean, do not be content with a little.

٢. وفجّري مِنْ يَنابيع الدّموع إذاً
بحراً ولا تَقْنعي مِنْهنّ بالوشلِ

3. Sleep, do not pray it nor forsake it in grief,
For wakefulness in the like thereof is incumbent on the wretched.

٣. والنّوم لا تصليه واهْجريه أَسىً
فَالسُّهْدُ في مِثلهِ فرضٌ على المقَل

4. O heart, if you do not split in anguish
Between the ribs, then depart from them and move on.

٤. وأنتَ يا قَلبُ إن لم تَنْصدعْ أسفاً
بينَ الضّلوع فَسِرْ عَنْهنَّ وانتقِلَ

5. And you, O patience, turn your back defeated,
For armies of sorrow have come to you from all sides.

٥. وأنتَ يا صبرُ ولّي الظّهرَ مُنْهَزِماً
فَقَدْ أتتكَ جيوشُ الحُزْنِ عَنْ كَملِ

6. We have been afflicted with the loss of one whose loftiness
Was the zenith of all summits and the utmost of heights.

٦. فقد رُزينا بمَنْ هُدَّتْ لِمَصْرعها
شُمّ الشوامخ وانْهدّت ذُرى القُلَلِ

7. A midday sun, but eternally
She settled nowhere but the abode of the Haml.

٧. شمسُ الظهيرة إلا أنّها أَبداً
ما استوطنَتْ قطٌ إلا دارة الحملِ

8. She is gone, so the shade of generosity has moved on,
And have you ever heard of a shade that does not move?

٨. غابَت فأصْبحَ ظلّ الجود مُنتقلاً
وهل سمعتَ بظلٍّ غيرِ مُنتقل

9. And when she turned in our breasts, kindled
A war that tells of (the battles of) Siffin and Jamal.

٩. وأسْعَرتْ إذ تولّت في جوانحنا
حَرْبا تُحدِّث عن صفين والجمل

10. And every eloquent voice began to mourn her
With all kinds of spontaneous metaphors.

١٠. وقامَ كلّ نبيهِ القدْرِ يندبُها
بكلّ مُبْتَكَر الأَلفاظ مُرتَجلِ

11. Who will be openhanded to the widows and orphans
When the raincloud's palm is miserly with its droplets?

١١. مَنْ لِلأرامِلِ والأيتام يوسعُهْم
بذْلاً إذا ضنّ كفُّ الغيث بالْبَلَلِ

12. And who will protect the victims of misfortunes, and who
Can be hoped to believe in good omens and aspirations?

١٢. ومن يجير طريد الحادثات ومَنْ
يُرجَى لِتصديقِ حُسنِ الظنّ والأملِ

13. And who will be generous to the prosperous if they paused
At the ruins of its benevolence, ruined and desolate?

١٣. ومن يجود على العافين إن وقفوا
مِن رسم إحسانَها العافي على طَلَلِ

14. How much anguish did she deposit when she bade farewell,
And a sorrow from which recovering is endless!

١٤. كَمْ لوعةٍ أودعَتْ إذ ودّعَتْ وأسىً
يزولُ منها ثبيرٌ وهيَ لم تَزَل

15. After her the eyes of meaning cried in grief
As fate bared its teeth in a sinister grin,

١٥. بكتْ عيونُ المعاني بعدَها حزناً
وكشّر الدهر عن أنيابه العُظُلِ

16. So deny sleep, and say to fate, "Sleep, for you, O fate,
Have paralyzed the palm of glory with paralysis."

١٦. فانْفِ المنامَ وقل للدّهر نَمْ فَلَقدْ
رميتَ يا دهر كفَّ المجد بالشّلل

17. For you have slain a sun, compared to which
The midday sun would not descend below Saturn.

١٧. وقد فتكتَ بشمسٍ لو تُقاسُ بها
شمسُ الظهيرة لم تنحط عن زُحَلِ

18. And a meadow that did not fear the tyranny of its guard,
And was often inaccessible, blocked by trench and fence.

١٨. وروضة لم تحاذرْ بطشَ حارسها
وطالما مُنعتْ بالْبيض والأَسَل

19. You have deliberately forced faces into
What you have manifested of pure error and stumbling.

١٩. وقد تعمدتَ إرغامَ الأنوفِ بما
أبديتَ من خطأٍ محضٍ ومن خطَلِ

20. Noble in status, she succeeded with her Creator
Because of the good she stored of righteous deeds,

٢٠. جليلة القَدرِ فازتْ عند خالِقها
بِحُسْنِ ما ادّخرَتْ مِن صالحِ العملِ

21. And was settled in Paradise, eternal,
Swimming in the ink of pleasure and bliss.

٢١. وأُسْكِنَتْ جنّة الفردوسِ خالدةً
تميسُ في حبرِ الرّضوان والحُلَلَ

22. The chaste one of glory, pure in lineage between the Prophet, and after him the Seal of Messengers,
And the Commander of the Faithful, Ali.

٢٢. عقيلة المجد ما بين النبيّ زكتْ
أصلاً وبين أمير المؤمنين عَلي

23. Mother of Hussein, whose nobilities
Traversed the horizons like the sun and the exemplar.

٢٣. أم الحسين الذي سارتْ مكارمُه
في الخافقين مسيرَ الشمس والمثلِ

24. An angel in her possession contracts of generosity,
That transform the hue of nights though they are not [yet] nights.

٢٤. مَلكٌ لديه عهودُ الجودِ مُحكمةٌ
يحولُ صبغ اللَّيالي وهي لم تَحُل

25. The hunt falls short of attaining its goal
In effort, but attains it easily without haste.

٢٥. تُقصّر الصّيدُ عن إدراكِ غايتهِ
سَعياً ويُدركُها مَشْياً بلا عَجلِ

26. If you meet her, you are endowed with dew and flowers
Of the freshest and sweetest, or with the gallant knight.

٢٦. إن تَلْقَهُ تُحْظَ منه ف ينَدىً ورديً
بالزّاخرِ العذب أَو بالفارسِ البطَلِ

27. Of a company penetrating in intellect, their ambition
Is to attain the utmost peak of the glory of the first masters.

٢٧. مِن معشرٍ ثاقبي الأَحساب هِمّتُهمْ
بلوغُ غاية مَجد السَّادة الأولِ

28. Of the traveler in recollection throughout Syria and Yemen,
The open-handed in Haf and Mintaqil.

٢٨. مِن سائري الذِكّر في شامٍ وفي يَمَنٍ
من باذلي الجودِ في حافٍ ومُنْتعِلِ

29. Of the keepers of the faith from the opinion of extremists and what
May sprout thereof in deviance and pitfalls.

٢٩. مِن حافِظي الدين مِن رأي الغُلاةِ وما
عَسَاهُ ينجُمُ مِن زِيغٍ ومنْ زلَلِ

30. Of those who dispel the shadows of dark events with their counsel
When the face of fate frowns with gravity.

٣٠. مِنْ كاشفي ظُلَم الجُلَّى برأْيهمُ
إذا تجهَّم وجهُ الحادثِ الجلَلِ

31. Of the leaders of armies, like the sea, crashing,
Their advance from clouds of victory into shadows.

٣١. مِنْ قائدي الجيش مِثل البَحْرِ مُلْتَطِماً
مسيرُهُ من غمام النَّصْر في ظُلَلِ

32. Of those who bestow eggs and chestnut steeds coupled
To which are joined the generosity of horses and camels.

٣٢. مِن واهبي البيضِ والسّمر الذَّوابلِ قد
ضمّتْ إليها كرام الخيلِ والإِبلِ

33. Of the rulers of all the kingship in the world,
Who have none equal to them after Allah.

٣٣. مِن مَالكي الملكِ في الدّنيا بأجمعها
فما لَهم فيه بعدَ الله من مَثَلِ

34. Of those whose eggs pour onto the ardent gamblers, ceaselessly,
In illnesses and in soft sands.

٣٤. مِنْ مُوردي بيضهمْ هام الكماةِ فما
تنفكّ في عَلَلٍ مِنْها وَفي نَهَلِ

35. Of those whose chestnut steeds nurse the curved shanks with that
Which spills from the water-bags in the desert.

٣٥. مِنْ مُصْدري سُمرهمْ عوجَ الكعوبِ بما
تَفُضُّ من حلَق الأَدراع في الوهَلِ

36. But they guaranteed educating it forever,
If it recoiled ferociously to war aflame.

٣٦. لَكِنّهم كَفِلُوا تَثْقِيفها أَبَداً
إذَا انْثَنَتْ بلظىً لِلْحرب مُشتعلِ

37. A people who established the laws of God and forestalled
With good omens and the scattering of sweet basil.

٣٧. قومٌ أقَامُوا حُدودَ الله وابتَدَروا
بالمشْرفيّةِ والعسَّالةِ الذُّبُلِ

38. They inhabit the shade of pasture on a day of tumult
And accompany the lutes therein without boredom.

٣٨. يَسْتَوطنونَ ظِلالَ النّقعِ يومَ وَغىً
ويصحبون القَنا فيهِ بِلاَ مَلَلِ

39. Tilting, as if they never knew of speech
Other than take what you desire and set forth.

٣٩. رُجْحٌ كأنّهمُ لَم يَعْرِفوا أَبَداً
مِن الكلام سِوى خُذْ مَا تَشَا وسَلِ

40. Their dynasty illuminates the lands of Islam
As if it were the new moon in the brow of dynasties.

٤٠. تُضيءُ في دُوَلِ الإِسلامِ دولتُهْم
كأنّها غُرّةٌ في جَبْهة الدّولِ

41. And through their dynasty, many a dynasty was abolished,
As if it were the nation of Islam amongst nations.

٤١. وكم بدَوْلَتِهم مِنْ دَولةٍ نُسِخَتْ
كأنَّها مِلّة الإِسْلام في المِلَلِ

42. I found with them ample space for speech,
So if you find a tongue that speaks, then say:

٤٢. وجدْتُ فيهم مكانَ القَولِ ذا سِعَةٍ
فإِن وجدتَ لِسانَا قائِلا فَقُلِ

43. Why do we not partake with them in events when we
Have partaken with them in wealth and ponies?

٤٣. لِمْ لاَ نُشارِكهم في الحادِثاتِ وقد
صِرنا نُشاركُهم في المالِ والخَولِ

44. May God pray upon them as long as stars
Traverse the horizon after their father, the Seal of Messengers.

٤٤. صَلَّى الإِلَهُ عليهم ما سَرى قَمَرٌ
في الأفُق بَعْدَ أبيهم خاتمِ الرُّسُلِ