
You own a heart not penetrated by blame,

ملكتم فؤادا ليس يدخله العذل

1. You own a heart not penetrated by blame,
So mention of other than you, whenever it passes, is not sweet.

١. مَلكْتُم فؤاداً ليسَ يدخلُه العذلُ
فَذِكْرُ سواكم كلّما مَرَّ لا يَحْلُو

2. Every free person blames me for loving you,
But your love distracts me from their blame.

٢. يؤنَبني في حُبّكمْ كلُّ فارغٍ
ولي بهواكم عَنْ ملامَتهم شغلُ

3. What good can blame do in love,
For one whose heart and mind are not present in love?

٣. وماذا عَسَى تُجْدي الملامةُ في الهوى
لِمَنْ لا له في الحُبِّ لُبٌّ ولا عَقلُ

4. If they consider my devotion to be ignorance,
Then my love for you to me is obligation and tradition.

٤. لَئِنْ فَرضوا مِنّي السلوَّ جهالةً
فحبكُم عندي هو الفرضُ والنَّقْلُ

5. Shall I renounce while the marks of old age decorate my cheeks?
While the marks of youth have not faded?

٥. أأسْلو ولا صبغ المشيبِ بعارِضي
يلوحُ ولا صبغُ الشبيبة مُنحَلَ

6. And if it were love for the people of your house, O Muhammad,
Equity to me would be to love them.

٦. ولَو في سواكم أهلَ بيت محمدٍ
غرامي لكَانَ العَدْلُ عندي هو الْعَدْلُ

7. I carried my love for you in the days of my youth,
When I was a child, and love for you was a child.

٧. حَملتُ هواكمْ في زمان شَبيبتي
وقد كنتُ طِفلاً والغرامُ بكم طِفلُ

8. So, O you who blame me for loving Muhammad's family!
Gently! I never renounce them.

٨. فيا عاذلي في حُبّ آل محمدٍ
رويدكَ إنّي عنهمُ قطّ لا أسْلوا

9. Shall I renounce a love for people God selected
And preferred over all mankind in reason and scripture?

٩. أأسلُو هوى قومٍ قَضَى باجْتبائِهمْ
وتَفْضيلهمْ بينَ الورى العقلُ والنّقلْ

10. They are the structure of the Prophet Muhammad.
So say what you will about them, for you cannot go too far.

١٠. أُولئِكّ بناءُ النبيّ محمدٍ
فقل ما تشا فيهم فإنّكَ لا تغلوا

11. Branches rising up high, their origin the Master of mankind,
An esteemed trunk! How excellent are the branch and origin!

١١. فروعٌ تَسامتْ أصلُها سيّد الورى
وحَيْدَرةٌ يا حبّذا الفرعُ والأَصلْ

12. They sacrificed themselves to establish the religion of their father,
Generously, with no cowardice or stinginess among them.

١٢. تَفَانَوا على إظهار دينِ أبيهمُ
كراماً ولا جبنٌ لديهمْ ولا بخلُ

13. To God I complain of a group who attacked
Them wrongfully and clung to falsehood.

١٣. إلى الله أشكو عُصْبةً قد تَحاملوا
عليهمْ ودانُوا بالأَباطيل واعْتَلّوا

14. They seek to extinguish the lights of their merit,
But the lights of their merit never cease rising.

١٤. يرومون إطفاءً لأَنْوارِ فَضْلِهمْ
وما بَرحتْ أَنوارُ فضلِهمُ تَعلُو

15. After Ahmad, they rejected ordainments concerning him
No intellect would deny were prescribed.

١٥. وهُمْ أَنكروا في شأنِه بَعْدَ أحمدٍ
مِنَ النصّ أمراً لَيس يُنكرهُ العقلُ

16. The Chosen One, Taha, noted him,
Saying he was the successor and family.

١٦. وقد نوَّه المختار طه بِذكْرِهِ
وقالَ لهم هذا الخليفة والأَهْلُ

17. At Ghadir, he gave him leadership
Over mankind, eternally unremovable.

١٧. وَوَلاّهُ في يوم الغدير ولايةً
على الخلقِ طرّاً ما لَه أبداً عَزلُ

18. He prescribed him the Imamate, excluding them,
And if it were not prescribed, merit would have given precedence.

١٨. ونصَّ عليه بالإمامة دونهم
ولو لم يكن نصَّاً لقدَّمه الفضلُ

19. Is he not his brother and comforter,
When men and steeds meet on the day of calamity?

١٩. أليسَ أخاهُ والمُواسي بنفسِهِ
إذا ما الْتقى يَومَ الوغَى الخَيْل والرجلُ

20. Was he not closest to him in kinship
And greatest in knowledge when ignorance was abundant?

٢٠. أما كانَ أدناهُمْ إليه قرابةً
وأكثرهمْ عِلماً إذا عَظُمَ الجِهلُ

21. Was he not truest to his word when he swore protection
And most forbearing when sandals slipped?

٢١. أما كانَ أوفاهمْ إذا قال ذمّةً
وأعظمُهم حلْماً إذا زَلّتِ النَّعْلُ

22. And most eloquent in discourse and best
In character, when his asker was serious?

٢٢. وأفصَحَهُمُ عند التلاحي وخيرَهم
نَوالاً إذا ما شِيمَ نائلُه الجَزْلُ

23. They argue, O Helpers of God, that our
Relationship with him was by marriage, not blood.

٢٣. يحجَونَ أنصارَ الإِلهِ بأنّنا
قرابتُهُ مِنّا بهِ اتّصَلَ لحبلُ

24. Were the Companions closer or more directly related,
If you reason, O Family?

٢٤. وهَلْ كانتِ الأَصحاب أدْنَى قرابةً
وأقربَ رِحْماً لَو عَقلتُم أم الأهلُ

25. After the Prophet Muhammad, they took
From his two daughters what they did not deserve before.

٢٥. وهُمْ أخذوا بعدَ النبيّ محمدٍ
من ابنتِيهِ ما كانَ أنْحلَها قبلُ

26. They wrongfully usurped her rights, saying
"God forbid that messengers be inherited from."

٢٦. تَمالوا علَيْها غَاصِبين لِحَقِّها
وقالوا معاذ الله أن تورثَ الرسْل

27. Their judgment in that was certainly false.
How can the branch remain when the origin is distorted?

٢٧. وحكمهُم لا شك في ذاكَ باطِلٌ
وكيفَ يصحّ الفرعُ والأصل مُختَلّ

28. Is it not the Commander of the Faithful to whom
The contract and dissolution belonged, not them?

٢٨. أليسَ أمير المؤمنين هو الّذِي
لَه دونهم في ذلِك العقدُ والحل

29. They killed the chiefs of Ahmad's house,
Noblemen, by whom harm and eternity are averted.

٢٩. وهُمْ قتلوا مِن آل أحمد سَادةً
كراماً بهم يُسْتدفعُ الضرّ والأزلُ

30. They shed their blood and their followers'
Until sorrow and the plains were saturated.

٣٠. سَقوا كلَّ أرضٍ من دماء رقابهم
وشِيعتِهم حتّى ارتوى الحزن والسَّهلُ

31. So patience, O Family of the Chosen! Our path
Leads to a day of justice where merit falls.

٣١. فَصَبراً بني المختار إنّ أَمَامَنا
لموقفُ عدلٍ عندَهُ يقعُ الفَضْلُ

32. For those hostile to you, I have a piercing sword,
When it brandishes, swords will fear it.

٣٢. وعندي لِمَنْ عاداكمُ نَصْلُ مقولٍ
إذَا ما انْبرى يوماً يحاذرهُ النَّصْلُ