
The truth has been made clear for the discerning one,

قد استبان الحق للمبصر

1. The truth has been made clear for the discerning one,
So will my negligent heart desist its wandering?

١. قدِ اسْتبانَ الحقُّ لِلْمبصِرِ
فهل تُرى يُقلعُ قَلْبي الجري

2. What is this boldness, O heart! If only
You left it for the greatest dread.

٢. ما هَذه الجُرأةُ يا قلبُ لو
تركتَها لِلْفزَع الأكْبرِ

3. O guilty one, why do I see
Your safety from your guilt like the innocent one's?

٣. يا أيّها المذْنب ما لي أَرى
أَمْنكَ مِنْ ذنبكَ أَمْنَ البَرِي

4. You wasted in pleasures the time of youth,
And went about in vanity, and did not shorten [worldly enjoyment].

٤. ضيّعتَ في اللَّذاتِ وقتَ الصبّا
ورحتَ في الّلهوِ ولَمْ تُقصِرِ

5. So repent to God, and fear His cunning,
And weep over your sin, and seek forgiveness,

٥. فتُبْ إلى اللهِ وخَفْ مكرَهُ
وابْكِ على ذَنبكَ واستَغْفِر

6. And put on the armor of sorrow out of fear of Him;
It will avail you instead of armor and forgiveness.

٦. والْبِسْ دروعَ الحزنِ مِنْ خَوفِهِ
تُغْنِكَ عن درعٍ وعن مِغْفَرِ